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Help is available for each task, or you can go straight to the solution source code.

Task 1

Create a vertical box (a JPanel with a LayoutManager of BoxLayout) using the Box class.
  Box vert = Box.createVerticalBox();

Task 2

Create and add two JButtons with icons rightB and leftB. Put "glue" between the buttons to push the buttons to opposite extremes.
  JButton top = new JButton(rightB);
  JButton bottom = new JButton(leftB);

Task 3

Create a horizontal box using the Box class.
  Box horiz = Box.createHorizontalBox();

Task 4

Create and add three JButtons with icons rightB, leftB, and animB. Put "glue" between the three buttons. Also, reserve five pixels of space on the right border with a horizontal strut.
  JButton left = new JButton(rightB);
  JButton middle = new JButton(leftB);
  JButton right = new JButton(animB);

Task 5

Add the two boxes to the frame. The vertical box goes in the west quadrant, while the horizontal one goes in the center.
  Container content = getContentPane();
  content.add (vert, BorderLayout.WEST);
  content.add (horiz, BorderLayout.CENTER);

Task 6

Save everything and compile the program. Then run it to see the results. When you resize the screen, you'll notice how the button positions aren't fixed, but more of a relative position.

As a precaution, the Save command appends a "1" to the end of the filename you want to save. This can help prevent you from accidently overwriting your source code.

java BLayout

If you are using Swing with JDKTM 1.1.+, make sure your CLASSPATH environment variable has the swingall.jar file in it.

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[ This page was updated: 19-Nov-99 ]

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