These Magercises show how to use various aspects of the Model-View-Controller
(MVC) architecture of Fundamentals of Java Foundation Classes (JFC)/Swing.
It helps, considerably, if you have already completed the Magercises from
Part I.
When you finish the following
Magercises, you should have a basic understanding of Swing's MVC architecture
and be comfortable working with the more advanced components of the Swing
component set.
Magercise Outline
About Magercises
A Magercise is a flexible exercise that provides varying levels
of help according
to the student's needs. Some students may complete
magercise using only the information and the task list in the Magercise body;
some may want a few hints; (Help) while others may want a step-by-step
to successful completion (Solution). Since complete solutions
provided in addition to help, students can skip a Magercise (or several)
and still be able to
complete later Magercises that required the skipped
The Anatomy of a Magercise
Each Magercise includes a list of any prerequisite Magercises, a list of
code for you to start with, links to necessary API pages, and a
description of the Magercise's educational goal. In addition, buttons
link you to the following information:
- Help: Gives you help or hints on the
current Magercise (an
annotated solution).
For ease of use,
the task information is duplicated on the help page with the
actual help information indented beneath it.
- Solution: The
tag and Java source resulting in
the expected behavior.
- API Documentation: A link directly to
any necessary online API documentation.
Magercise Design Goals
There are three fundamental magercise types that you may encounter:
- "Blank screen"
- You are confronted with a "blank screen" and
create the entire desired functionality yourself.
- Extension
- You extend the functionality of an existing,
correctly-working program.
- Repair
- You repair undesirable behavior in an existing
To make learning easier, Magercises, where possible, address only
the specific technique being taught in that Magercise. Irrelevant,
unrelated, and overly complex materials are avoided.
Where possible, Magercises execute via the web. However, Magercises
that must access JavaTM features or
library elements that could cause security violations are not executed
on the web.
Magercises, Swing: Part II
1. Tree Views
Create a hierarchy view of a few Java class names.
Educational goal(s):
- Learn about the
JTree , TreeNode , and
DefaultMutableTreeNode classes
- Listen for tree event types
- Examine the
JScrollPane panel
2. Custom JTree Rendering
Create a hierarchy view of a few Java class names and supply a custom node
Educational goal(s):
Implement a custom TreeCellRenderer
3. Using JTextPane
Work with the javax.swing.text package to support changing font
style, color, size, and family. Use the Swing Chooser classes.
Educational goal(s):
- Learn about
JTextPane , DefaultStyledDocument ,
and Style
- Work with
JColorChooser and JFileChooser
- Add icons to menu items
- Add icons to text panes
4. Using JTable
Work with the javax.swing.table package to create a table with a
custom cell renderer.
Educational goal(s):
- Learn about
JTable , TableColumn , and
- Create a custom cell renderer for a table column
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