#!/bin/bash #usage: $0 # It reads from standar input and sends this info to # a given email address. # Do not forget to set MAIL FROM, Subject, and from domain smpt=$1 mail_to=$2 # script internal parameters mail_from="newton@usm.cl" mySubject="Files update report" from_domain="fis.utfsm.cl" Mail_data() { echo "HELO $from_domain" echo "MAIL FROM: $mail_from" echo "RCPT TO: $1" echo "DATA" echo "Subject:$mySubject" echo "From: $mail_from" echo "To: $1" while read line do echo $line done # to make sure there is a . in the last line echo "." } Mail_data $mail_to | telnet $smpt 25 >> /dev/null