Class AlgAnimApp


public class AlgAnimApp
extends Applet
This class creates an applet on a java compliant web browser. There is a single button on the applet, which will bring up a frame, performing the corresponding algorithm animation.

This class is normally NOT TO BE CHANGED and is reuseable for any animation algorithm.

The filename of the source code and the button label are passed into this class from the applet tag in the HTML file.

Variable Index

 o start_button
A awt button to bring up a frame.

Constructor Index

 o AlgAnimApp()
This constructor is not to be manually called.

Method Index

 o action(Event, Object)
The start_button action handling method, which is automatically invoked when the button is pressed.
 o init()
Applet initialization method, which creates the button attribute.


 o start_button
 public Button start_button
A awt button to bring up a frame. This button will be disabled once the frame is created and will be enabled again when the frame is destroy.

See Also:


 o AlgAnimApp
 public AlgAnimApp()
This constructor is not to be manually called. It inherits completely the properties of the Applet class.


 o init
 public void init()
Applet initialization method, which creates the button attribute.

init in class Applet
 o action
 public boolean action(Event e,
                       Object arg)
The start_button action handling method, which is automatically invoked when the button is pressed.

action in class Component