import java.awt.*; import*; import java.util.*; import*; public class GraphMST { static final String current_n_s = "From Node "; static final String current_n_e = " To Node "; static final String current_e = "Edge Cost "; static final String focus = " Edge In Focus: "; static final String c_cycle = "Causes Cycle "; static final String does_not = "Does Not Cause Cycle"; static final String done = "Minimum Spanning Tree Found"; static final String cost_e = ", Cost = "; String sentence; AlgThread alg; Graph graph; int cnt = 1; public GraphMST( AlgThread alg ) { this.alg = alg; this.graph = alg.graph; Minimum_Spanning_Tree(); } /*------------------------------------------------*/ public void Minimum_Spanning_Tree( ) { int pivot = 0; /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(1); Edge trial_edge; Forest mst; PriorityQueue PQ; PQ = new PriorityQueue( graph.edge_cnt ); /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(6); PQ = Initialize( PQ ); /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(7); PQ.Sort( pivot, graph.edge_cnt ); /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(8); PQ.Print_Val( ); /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(9);/*-*/alg.frame.setText(1, "Initialization"); /*-*/alg.frame.waitStep(); mst = new Forest( graph.edge_cnt ); /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(11); while ( mst.Num_Edges( ) < graph.node_cnt-1 ) { /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(12); trial_edge = (Edge)(PQ.Extract_First_Element_MST( )); /*-*/ alg.drawingPanel.Highlight_Edge_Focus(trial_edge); /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(13); if (!Cycle( trial_edge, mst )) { /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(14); sentence = new String(focus+does_not); System.out.println(sentence+" "); /*-*/alg.frame.setText(2, sentence); /*-*/ alg.drawingPanel.Highlight_Edge_Final(trial_edge); /*-*/alg.frame.waitStep(); mst.Add( trial_edge ); /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(17); } } mst.Print_Val(); /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(20); sentence = new String(done); /*-*/ alg.frame.Highlight(21); /*-*/ alg.frame.setText(2, sentence); System.out.println(sentence+" "); } //------- //private PriorityQueueMST Initialize( PriorityQueueMST PQ ) { private PriorityQueue Initialize( PriorityQueue PQ ) { int i; Node neg_one; neg_one = new Node(-1, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < graph.edge_cnt; i ++) { graph.edges[i].Set_Rep( neg_one ); PQ.Add( (Object)graph.edges[i] ); } return PQ; } private boolean Cycle( Edge te, Forest T ) { sentence = new String( focus+current_n_s+te.start.Get_ID()+current_n_e+te.end.Get_ID()+ cost_e+te.Cost()); System.out.println(sentence+" "); /*-*/alg.frame.setText(1, sentence); /*-*/alg.frame.waitStep(); if ( te.New( ) ) { //new tree T.New( te ); return false; } else if ( te.Is_From( ) || te.Is_To( ) ) { //add to existing tree T.Existing( te ); return false; } else if ( te.Join( ) ) { //combine trees T.Combine( te ); return false; } else { //exclude this edge /*-*/ alg.drawingPanel.Highlight_Edge_Ori(te); sentence = new String(focus+c_cycle); System.out.println(sentence+" "); /*-*/alg.frame.setText(2, sentence); /*-*/alg.frame.waitStep(); return true; } } }