Data Structures and Algorithms

Feedback from assignment 2

  1. Toolbuilding

    Many of you failed to take note of the suggestion about building tools for the timing routine in the feedback for the last assignment. You need to get into the habit of building transportable, re-usable tools, so that you can concentrate on the more difficult aspects of the next problem, rather than repeating machine-specific code in every program!

  2. Post-Conditions

    No-one seems to have noticed that the post-condition for AddToCollection should have been augmented with a "CollectionSorted" assertion! This is simply done with an auxillary routine:
    int CollectionSorted( collection c ) {
      int i;
      for( i=0;i<(c->item_cnt-1);i++)
        /* item i should be less-than or equal item i+1 */
        if( !(memcmp(ItemKey(c->items[i]),
                     ItemKey(c->items[i+1]), c->size) <= 0) )
          return FALSE;
      return TRUE;

  3. Ordering Items

    The memcmp( ItemKey(..), ItemKey(..), size ) approach to defining the order of items makes some assumptions about the structure of the item's key. A much more useful approach is to provide an ItemCmp function, which can provide a general ordering function. This function can order the items according to any rule - not just one which assumes lexicographical ordering of keys of fixed size.

    Note that if you use one ordering function when adding, you must use exactly the same function when searching.

  4. Adding on the key

    When adding, quite a few of you compared items using the value of item which is the handle (C pointer) for the object. You must use ItemKey and memcmp as in bin_search (or better, an ItemCmp function).

  5. Normalising

    The computer can calculate log n too! You need to include the <math.h> header and compile with:
    gcc ..... -lm
    The -lm loads the math library. Some trivial modifications to your program enable one run to do the experiments and process the results for you too!
  6. Read the textbooks

    Even for a very simple insertion sort, some of you produced code with double loops, multiple compare calls, etc. Simple, proven code for standard problems like this can be found in almost all texts on data structures and algorithms! Spend some time reading, before hacking!
  7. Designing experiments

Users of DOS/Windows machines

Please make sure that the extra CRs needed by DOS, etc, are removed before you submit. Unix files should have LFs only at the end of a line.

The same applies to reports produced by your word processor: export them as plain text without the extra CRs.

Reports which are not plain text will not be accepted - there are a large number of word processors out there: it's much more productive (and therefore beneficial for you!) if the tutors spend time marking your report's content than trying to work out which WP will read it!

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© John Morris, 1996