Data Structures and Algorithms
13 Games

Although games like chess require analysis of extraordinarily large numbers of moves - and thus are placed in the intractable class - dramatic improvements can be made in the running time with the best algorithm.

The Naive Approach

A naive chess program simply determines the moves that can be made from any position and then, for each of the possible moves: This algorithm is set to terminate at some fixed depth - the search depth - and return a "score" for the best position it can get to at that depth. With of the order of 20 moves able to be made at any position, the number of moves which need to be evaluated for a search depth of m is ~20m. For reasonable m - good human players manage to "look ahead" 10 or more moves - this number soon becomes prohibitively large - beyond the capabilities of any modern computer in any reasonable time.

The Alpha-Beta Algorithm

Application of the Alpha-Beta algorithm enables many "unprofitable" branches in the tree of moves which need to be considered to be cut off and not considered further. This dramatically improves the time taken to determine the best move and has the effect that a much deeper search can be made in the same time.
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© John Morris, 1998