import java.awt.*; import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; import*; class Arrow { //variable declaration int start_x, start_y; int end_x, end_y; double img_mid_x, img_mid_y, img_cir; double arc_angle, start_angle, value; int num_arcs, mid_pt_x, mid_pt_y; static final double HEAD_DISTANCE = 15; static final double VAL_X = 15; static final double VAL_Y = 15; Color arrow_colour, value_colour; //method declaration public Arrow(Color value_colour, double value, int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y, double img_mid_x, double img_mid_y, double img_cir, double start_angle, double arc_angle, Color arc_colour, int num_arcs, int mid_pt_x, int mid_pt_y) { this.start_x = start_x; this.start_y = start_y; this.end_x = end_x; this.end_y = end_y; this.img_mid_x = img_mid_x; this.img_mid_y = img_mid_y; this.img_cir = img_cir; this.start_angle = start_angle; this.arc_angle = arc_angle; this.arrow_colour = arc_colour; this.value_colour = value_colour; this.num_arcs = num_arcs; this.mid_pt_x = mid_pt_x; this.mid_pt_y = mid_pt_y; this.value = value; } public void Draw_Arrow( Graphics g, int testcase ) { double arrow_angle; int[] arrow_x = new int[3]; int[] arrow_y = new int[3]; int[] arrow_pt = new int[2]; double gradient, constant; double distance, temp_dist; double mid_x_diff, mid_y_diff; double arrow_ratio; double trans_pts_x, trans_pts_y; Font value_font; value_font = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 10); trans_pts_x = 0.00; trans_pts_y = 0.00; arrow_ratio = 0.00; mid_x_diff = 0.00; mid_y_diff = 0.00; distance = 0.00; temp_dist = 0.00; gradient = 0.00; constant = 0.00; arrow_x[0] = 0; arrow_x[1] = 0; arrow_x[2] = 0; arrow_y[0] = 0; arrow_y[1] = 0; arrow_y[2] = 0; arrow_angle = 0.00; arrow_angle = (start_angle + arc_angle/2)*Math.PI/180; // if (num_arcs != 1) { arrow_x[0] = (int)Math.round(img_mid_x + img_cir*Math.cos(arrow_angle)); arrow_y[0] = (int)Math.round(img_mid_y - img_cir*Math.sin(arrow_angle)); // } // else { // arrow_x[0] = mid_pt_x; // arrow_y[0] = mid_pt_y; // g.drawString("1", (int)arrow_x[0], (int)arrow_y[0]); // } /*calculate the distance between the midpt (on arc) and start node*/ mid_x_diff = Math.abs(arrow_x[0] - start_x); mid_y_diff = Math.abs(arrow_y[0] - start_y); distance = Math.sqrt((mid_x_diff*mid_x_diff) + (mid_y_diff*mid_y_diff)); temp_dist = distance - HEAD_DISTANCE; arrow_ratio = temp_dist/distance; arrow_x[1] = (int)((arrow_x[0] - start_x)*arrow_ratio + start_x); arrow_y[1] = (int)((arrow_y[0] - start_y)*arrow_ratio + start_y); //calculate the gradient of the tangent //equation of the circle is (x-c)^2 + (y-d)^2 = R^2 //equation of the line is y = mx + c gradient = ((-1)*(arrow_x[0] - img_mid_x))/(arrow_y[0] - img_mid_y); //find the constant value of the line constant = arrow_y[0] - gradient*arrow_x[0]; arrow_pt = Translated_Point(constant, arrow_x, arrow_y , gradient); arrow_x[2] = arrow_pt[0]; arrow_y[2] = arrow_pt[1]; if (num_arcs == 1) { /*x and y distances between mid pts and arc mid pts */ trans_pts_x = arrow_x[0] - mid_pt_x; trans_pts_y = arrow_y[0] - mid_pt_y; arrow_x[0] = mid_pt_x; arrow_y[0] = mid_pt_y; arrow_x[1] = arrow_x[1] - (int)trans_pts_x; arrow_y[1] = arrow_y[1] - (int)trans_pts_y; arrow_x[2] = arrow_x[2] - (int)trans_pts_x; arrow_y[2] = arrow_y[2] - (int)trans_pts_y; } g.setColor(arrow_colour); g.fillPolygon(arrow_x, arrow_y, 3); if (value != 0) { g.setColor(value_colour); g.setFont(value_font); Display_Value( g, testcase, arrow_x, arrow_y ); } } private int[] Translated_Point(double constant, int[] arrow_x, int[] arrow_y, double gradient ) { double[] translated = new double[2]; double[][] trans_matrix = new double[2][2]; double ang_rot; double[] point2_temp = new double[4]; int cnt, row, col; int[] pt = new int[2]; translated[0] = 0.00; translated[1] = 0.00; trans_matrix[0][0] = 0.00; trans_matrix[0][1] = 0.00; trans_matrix[1][0] = 0.00; trans_matrix[1][1] = 0.00; point2_temp[0] = 0.00; point2_temp[1] = 0.00; point2_temp[2] = 0.00; point2_temp[3] = 0.00; cnt = 0; row = 0; col = 0; ang_rot = 0.00; //translate the line to the origin //thus the translated points to be found are: translated[0] = arrow_x[1]; if (constant < 0) { translated[1] = arrow_y[1] + Math.abs(constant); } else { translated[1] = arrow_y[1] - Math.abs(constant); } //find the angle of rotation ang_rot = Math.atan(gradient); if ((end_x - start_x) == 0) { if (arrow_x[0] > 0) { translated[0] = arrow_x[1] - arrow_x[0]; } else { translated[0] = arrow_x[1] + arrow_x[0]; } translated[1] = arrow_y[1]; trans_matrix[0][0] = -1; trans_matrix[0][1] = 0; trans_matrix[1][0] = 0; trans_matrix[1][1] = 1; } else { //declare the transformation matrix trans_matrix[0][0] = Math.cos(2*ang_rot); trans_matrix[0][1] = Math.sin(2*ang_rot); trans_matrix[1][0] = Math.sin(2*ang_rot); trans_matrix[1][1] = Math.cos(2*ang_rot)*(-1); } //multiply the transformation matrix with the point //store it in an array for (row = 0; row < 2; row++) { for (col = 0; col < 2; col++) { point2_temp[cnt] = trans_matrix[row][col]*translated[col]; cnt++; } } if ((end_x - start_x) == 0) { if (arrow_x[0] > 0) { arrow_x[2] = (int)Math.round(point2_temp[0] + point2_temp[1] + arrow_x[0]); } else { arrow_x[2] = (int)Math.round(point2_temp[2] + point2_temp[1] - arrow_x[0]); } arrow_y[2] = (int)Math.round(point2_temp[2] + point2_temp[3]); } else { //from the array, get the reflected point arrow_x[2] = (int)Math.round(point2_temp[0] + point2_temp[1]); if (constant < 0) { arrow_y[2] = (int)Math.round(point2_temp[2] + point2_temp[3] - Math.abs(constant)); } else { arrow_y[2] = (int)Math.round(point2_temp[2] + point2_temp[3] + Math.abs(constant)); } } pt[0] = arrow_x[2]; pt[1] = arrow_y[2]; return pt; } private void Display_Value( Graphics g, int testcase, int[] ax, int[] ay ) { int pos_x, pos_y; pos_x = 0; pos_y = 0; switch(testcase) { case 1: pos_x = ax[2]; pos_y = ay[2]; break; case 2: pos_x = ax[2]; pos_y = ay[2]; break; case 3: pos_x = ax[0]; pos_y = ay[0]; break; case 4: pos_x = ax[1]; pos_y = ay[1]; break; case 5: pos_x = ax[1]; pos_y = ay[1]; break; case 6: pos_x = ax[2]; pos_y = ay[2]; break; case 7: pos_x = ax[2]; pos_y = ay[2]; break; case 8: pos_x = ax[2]; pos_y = ay[2]; break; case 10: break; default: break; } g.drawString(""+value, pos_x, pos_y); } }