Animated Algorithms

The following pages contain animations of some of the algorithms covered in this text. Be warned that
  1. Some of the Java classes take a very long time to load!
  2. Some of these examples look pretty, but as aids to help you understand how the algorithm works, many of them are severely lacking.

    To rectify this, two of our fourth year students are working on some animations (with all the bells-and-whistles!), which include tracking the code, values of critical variables and displaying statistics as the problem is solved. Their Java applets are under constant revision and they would appreciate constructive comments and criticisms of their efforts.

    1. Thomas Niemann's text on sorting and searching

    2. UWA animations

      Please note that these are under active development!
      1. Chris Gan (1997)'s QuickSort Animation.
      2. Chien Wei Tan's QuickSort Animation.
      3. Mervyn Ng's Animation of Dijkstra's Algorithm.

      Continue on to algorithm animations
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