
    Herramientas de Desarrollo

Sun Java Wireless Toolkit Download 2.5 for CLDC Release Download
Herramienta de Sun para programar celulares con J2ME, permite simular sólo entre dispósitvos móbiles
Impronto Simulator
Simulador de J2SE y J2ME de la empresa RococoSoft
    Hardware Utilizado
Device Details -- Nokia 5300
Nokia 5300, de la Serie 40
Adaptador USB Bluetooth
Adapatador Bluetooh utilizado para la comunicación

    Documentación general sobre Bluetooth's Wireless/Mobile Community Celebrates A Winner
Get to know the most recent trends in wireless/mobile development tools.
ElRincondeJaDa.Net 2.0 ::Expertos en Telefonia Movil:: Nokia, Motorola, Siemens y Sony Ericsson :: | Tecnología Bluetooth | Product Directory
Bluetooth - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Bluetooth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
JSR-82 : Java Bluetooth » Articles, Tutorials and Discussion Forums about Java Bluetooth Programming and JSR-82 Bluetooth API
Articles, Tutorials and Discussion Forums about Java Bluetooth Programming and JSR-82 Bluetooth API
JSR-82 : Java Bluetooth » JSR-82 Basics » Articles, Tutorials and Discussion Forums about Java Bluetooth Programming and JSR-82 Bluetooth API
This is the first part of the tutorial covering the basics of JSR-82. What is JSR-82? JSR-82 is a standard defined by the Java Community Process for providing a standard to develop Bluetooth applications in Java.
JABWT : Java APIs for Bluetooth (JABWT or JSR82)
JABWT: Java APIs for Bluetooth (JABWT or JSR82)
JABWT : Membership Pending
JABWT: Java APIs for Bluetooth (JABWT or JSR82)

     Documentación general sobre J2ME
Jason Lam's WebSite :: jasonlam604 ::
Jason Lam's WebSite - Portfolio, Resume and Tutorials
Introduction to Bluetooth and J2ME
This article goes through the introduction of what is Bluetooth and what you can do with Bluetooth. Both technical aspects of Bluetooth and developmen J2ME Tutorial, Part 1: Creating MIDlets
Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) combines a resource-constrained JVM and a set of Java APIs for developing applications for mobile devices. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating MIDlets, testing and deploying these MIDlets, and a look at the lifecycle...
Wireless Development Tutorial Part I
This tutorial describes setting up MIDP development tools and creating your first MIDlet.
Desarrollo de aplicaciones J2ME
Part II: The Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology
This article provides a brief overview of the Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology (JSR 82), and shows you how to use these APIs
ME4SE - Source for J2ME Bluetooth Mobile 3D MIDP 2.0 -
Mobile developers portal
Java Bluetooth for J2SE
Java Bluetooth for J2SE - Source for J2ME Bluetooth Mobile 3D MIDP 2.0 -
Mobile developers portal
JM2PC - Java Mobile to PC (Bluetooth Edition) / free download
Remote control your desktop or laptop computer with any Java powered phone. Access and edit your files, start and stop applications, control your mouse, keyboard and another devices. You can connect by GPRS or Bluetooth.
Java J2me Connectivity via blutooth - Developer Discussion Boards
Java J2me Connectivity via blutooth Bluetooth Technology
bluecove - Google Code
Java J2me Connectivity via blutooth Bluetooth Technology
Proyectos bluetooth, con código
Sourceforge Bluetooth project
Connect J2SE to J2ME through RFCOMM
Connect J2SE to J2ME through RFCOMM Viet Nam Coverage - Bluetooth Solutions
The world's largest development and download repository of Open Source code and applications