c 11 concord 10 j 7 w 6 i 5 in 5 wordcounts 5 words 5 char 4 if 4 s 4 character 3 count 3 element 3 for 3 get 3 int 3 new 3 wc 3 while 3 all 2 into 2 java 2 public 2 set 2 string 2 stringbuffer 2 system 2 to 2 vector 2 add 1 append 1 args 1 associated 1 break 1 by 1 catch 1 class 1 compareto 1 descending 1 do 1 e 1 else 1 histograma 1 import 1 increment 1 integers 1 io 1 ioexception 1 is 1 islowercase 1 isuppercase 1 length 1 main 1 mapping 1 not 1 order 1 out 1 pairs 1 println 1 put 1 read 1 size 1 sort 1 static 1 strings 1 table 1 tolowercase 1 tostring 1 true 1 try 1 util 1 void 1 with 1 word 1