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Not a pbm file! Not a pbmraw file! Illegal value '%s' for -C Illegal format '%s' for -g Illegal X value '%s' for -g Illegal Y value '%s' for -g Illegal format '%s' for -r 0Illegal format '%s' for -u Illegal format '%s' for -l Illegal value '%s' for -L Illegal X value '%d' for -u Illegal Y value '%d' for -u Illegal X value '%d' for -l Illegal Y value '%d' for -l rCan't open '%s' for reading Blank Page: %d %ld %ld EvenPage: %d %ld %ld Usage: foo2qpdl [options] qpdl-file Convert Ghostscript pbmraw format to a monochrome ZJS stream, for driving the HP LaserJet M1005 MFP laser printer. gs -q -dBATCH -dSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE \ -sPAPERSIZE=letter -r1200x600 -sDEVICE=pbmraw \ -sOutputFile=- - < testpage.ps \ | foo2qpdl -r1200x600 -g10200x6600 -p1 >testpage.zm foo2qpdl [options] qpdl-file foo2qpdl [options] qpdl-file Convert Ghostscript bitcmyk or pksmraw format to a color ZJS stream, for driving the HP LaserJet M1005 MFP color laser printer N.B. Color correction is expected to be performed by ghostscript. gs -q -dBATCH -dSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE \ -sPAPERSIZE=letter -g10200x6600 -r1200x600 -sDEVICE=bitcmyk \ -sOutputFile=- - < testpage.ps \ | foo2qpdl -r1200x600 -g10200x6600 -p1 >testpage.zc Normal Options: -c Force color mode if autodetect doesn't work -d duplex Duplex code to send to printer [%d] 1=off, 2=longedge, 3=shortedge -g x Set page dimensions in pixels [%dx%d] -m media Media code to send to printer [%d] 1=standard 2=transparency 3=glossy 257=envelope 259=letterhead 261=thickstock 262=postcard 263=labels -p paper Paper code to send to printer [%d] 1=letter, 5=legal 7=executive 9=A4 11=A5 13=B5 20=env#10, 27=envDL 28=envC5 34=envB5 37=envMonarch -n copies Number of copies [%d] -r x Set device resolution in pixels/inch [%dx%d] -s source Source code to send to printer [%d] 1=upper 2=lower 4=manual 7=auto Code numbers may vary with printer model -t Draft mode. Every other pixel is white. -J filename Filename string to send to printer [%s] -U username Username string to send to printer [%s] Printer Tweaking Options: -u x Set offset of upper left printable in pixels [%dx%d] -l x Set offset of lower right printable in pixels [%dx%d] -L mask Send logical clipping values from -u/-l in ZjStream [%d] 0=no, 1=Y, 2=X, 3=XY -A AllIsBlack: convert C=1,M=1,Y=1 to just K=1 -B BlackClears: K=1 forces C,M,Y to 0 -A, -B work with bitcmyk input only -P Do not output START_PLANE codes. May be needed by some some black and white only printers. -X padlen Add extra zero padding to the end of BID segments [%d] Debugging Options: -S plane Output just a single color plane from a color print [all] 1=Cyan, 2=Magenta, 3=Yellow, 4=Black -D lvl Set Debug level [%d] -V Version %s %%-12345X@PJL DEFAULT SERVICEDATE=%s Premature EOF on input stream Premature EOF(1) on input at y=%d Premature EOF(2) on input at y=%d Premature EOF(3) on input at y=%d Premature EOF(4) on input at y=%d Premature EOF(5) on input at y=%d Can't allocate space for chain First chunk must be BIH and 20 bytes long Can't allocate space for compressed data There is no or wrong JBIG header! BlackClears = %d; AnyColor = %s %s %s Unable to allocate blank plane (%d bytes) Premature EOF(pbm) on input stream Premature EOF(pksm) on page %d hdr, plane %d Image width changed from %d to %d on plane %d Image height changed from %d to %d on plane %d Premature EOF(pksm) on page %d data, plane %d Cannot allocate space for bit plane Unable to allocate page buffer of %d x %d = %d bytes cd:g:n:m:p:r:s:tu:l:L:ABPJ:S:U:X:D:V?hexPPPPPPPҷPPP'PP=PP̸PPPPPPPPPP PP9PPPPPIP2yUnknown error code passed to jbg_strerror()Unknown language code passed to jbg_strerror()Reached specified maximum sizeUnknown marker segment encounteredIncremental BIE does not fit to previous oneAngegebene maximale Bildgre erreichtNicht gengend Speicher vorhandenEs wurde eine Abbruch-Sequenz gefundenEine unbekannte Markierungssequenz wurde gefundenNeue Daten passen nicht zu vorangegangenen DatenEs wurden ungltige Daten gefundenNoch nicht implementierte Optionen wurden benutztAngegebene maximale Bildgröße erreichtNicht genügend Speicher vorhandenEs wurden ungültige Daten gefundenbb"3j`## JBIG-KIT 1.6 -- Markus Kuhn -- $Id: jbig.c,v 1.4 2004/06/12 02:33:05 rick Exp $ LPL]PtPPLLPPP MP4MXMMMM NP@NPlNXMMMN NEverything is okUnexpected end of dataNot enough memory availableABORT marker foundInvalid data encounteredUnimplemented features usedKein Problem aufgetretenUnerwartetes Ende der Daten  H8HoЂ  a0ohoo(aFVfvƉ։&6FVfvƊ֊&6FVf aX'H@ `P0pH(hX8xD$dT4t L,l\<|B"bR2r J*jZ:zF&fV6vN.n^>~A!aQ1q I)iY9yE%eU5u M-m]=}C#cS3s K+k[;{G'gW7wO/o_?@P `0pDT$d4tHX(h8x L\,l<|AQ!a1qEU%e5u IY)i9y M]-m=}BR"b2rFV&f6v JZ*j:zN^.n>~CS#c3sGW'g7w K[+k;{O_/o? 0@P`p!1AQaq"2BRbr#3CScs$4DTdt%5EUeu&6FVfv'7GWgw(8HXhx )9IYiy *:JZjz +;K[k{ ,N^n~/?O_o$Id: foo2qpdl.c,v 1.18 2007/04/27 19:39:44 rick Exp $Z% o6 Z%?,|  /\@DhN;,ZLH :.&3wt ac\`%[M,A7/<)y#N$kQ @ 2XMC;4.)%pULD">$82.VFOGA=<^71RL9F^A'VPKUOPZ"UY  !"# %&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO0QRSTUVWGYZ[\]^V`abcd]fghcjkgmkomo!# $&'(*+-.0134689;<>? !@ACDEFHIJKMNO0223456789:;==PQRSTVWWHHJJKMMXYZ[\]V_`acc]efghcijkglmnopfoo2qpdlinuT.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink (( %HHH!o@+ Ђ3;oVHohhPW 0`  i 0d00 @opp جuH8H{8 Qaa$a$(a(aab0 `` ? `p