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It usually boils down to these three things: #1) Respect the privacy of others. #2) Think before you type. #3) With great power comes great responsibility. internal error, expand_prompt() overflowHOME=KRB5CCNAME=LOGNAME=SHELL=SUDO_PROMPT=SUDO_USER=TZ==() TERM=DISPLAY=XAUTHORITY=XAUTHORIZATION=XAPPLRESDIR=XFILESEARCHPATH=XUSERFILESEARCHPATH=LANG=LANGUAGE=LC_SUDO_PS1=HOMESHELLLOGNAME/%TERM=unknown/usr/bin:/binLD_PRELOADSUDO_COMMANDSUDO_USERSUDO_UID=%luSUDO_GID=%luIFSCDPATHSHELLOPTSPS4LOCALDOMAINRES_OPTIONSHOSTALIASESNLSPATHPATH_LOCALELD_*_RLD*TERMINFOTERMINFO_DIRSTERMPATHTERMCAPBASH_ENVJAVA_TOOL_OPTIONSPERLLIBPERL5LIBPERL5OPTLC_*LANGLANGUAGETERMDISPLAYXAUTHORITYXAUTHORIZATIONinternal error, format_env() overflowinternal error, attempt to write outside newenv/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin~ввввввв&Xg/'''N'''''m'/bin/sh%s: File name too longLocal IP address and netmask pairs: %s / 0x%x %h %e %T %Y%h %e %Tcannot open pipecannot fork To: %s From: %s Subject: %s : %s : %s : %s %8s : %s%8s : (command continued) %saCan't open log file: %s: %sCan't lock log file: %s: %s%s : %s : HOST=%s : %s %s : %s : %s %s : %s : HOST=%s : %s%s : %s : %s%s user NOT in sudoers ; command not allowed ; unknown error ; %s: %s ; TTY=%s ; PWD=%s ; USER=%s ; COMMAND=%s %s%s: %s ; TTY=%s ; PWD=%s ; USER=%s ; COMMAND=%suser NOT authorized on host ; %sTTY=%s ; PWD=%s ; USER=%s ; COMMAND=%s%s%sThis incident will be reported. %s is not in the sudoers file. %s%s is not allowed to run sudo on %s. %sSorry, user %s may not run sudo on %s. Sorry, user %s is not allowed to execute '%s%s%s' as %s on %s. sudoedit""setreuid(-1, ROOT_UID) failed, your operating system may have a broken setreuid() function Try running configure with --disable-setreuidunable to change to sudoers gidsetreuid(ROOT_UID, timestamp_uid)setuid(ROOT_UID)setreuid(ROOT_UID, user_uid)setreuid(user_uid, user_uid)unable to change to runas uidcannot set gid to runas gidcannot set group vectorsetreuid(ROOT_UID, 1)w/a8no passwd entry for %s! file [...]usage: %s %*s'-' requires an argumentillegal option `%s'admin%s/.sudo_as_admin_successfulmust be setuid rootSudo version %s validatekilllistlocalhost/dev/can't get hostnamecannot get working directoryunable to determine shell/etc/sudoersfixed mode on %sunable to set group on %sunable to fix mode on %s%s is not a regular file%s is zero length%s is mode 0%o, should be 0%ocan't open %s/dev/ttyno passwd entry for %lu!%s: command not foundunable to execute %s [-HPSb] [-p prompt] [-u username|#uid]unable to lookup %s via gethostbyname()usage: %s -K | -L | -V | -h | -k | -l | -v Only one of the -e, -h, -k, -K, -l, -s, -v or -V options may be usedplease use single character optionsthe `-u' and '-%c' options may not be used togetheruid %s does not exist in the passwd file!internal error, init_vars() overflow%s is owned by uid %lu, should be %lu%s is owned by gid %lu, should be %lutimestamp owner (%s): No such userparse error in %s near line %dSorry, %s has been configured to not allow root to run it. sorry, you must have a tty to run sudouid 0 does not exist in the passwd file!user %s does not exist in the passwd file!ignoring `%s' found in '.' Use `sudo ./%s' if this is the `%s' you wish to run.unable to change directory to %s { -e file [...] | -i | -s | }4PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPmPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPVP4PPPPPPD1.6.8p12/var/tmp//usr/tmp/%s: not a regular file%.*s/%s.XXXXXXXXmkstemp%s: short writeVISUALEDITORunable to read %s%s left unmodified%s unchangedunable to write to %sunable to read temporary filecontents of edit session left in %sAuthentication methods: '%s'%s %s %sI feel much better now.You silly, twisted boy you.He has fallen in the water!I don't wish to know that.You'll starve!Have a gorilla...There must be cure for it!Ying Tong Iddle I PoYou gotta go owwwww!I have been called worse.Wrong! You cheating scum!No soap, honkie-lips.Where did you learn to type?Are you on drugs?You type like I drive.Do you think like you type?stty: unknown mode: doofuspam--disable-authentication configure option.If you want to turn off authentication, use theThere are no authentication methods compiled into sudo!%d incorrect password attempt%sJust what do you think you're doing Dave?It can only be attributed to human error.That's something I cannot allow to happen.My mind is going. I can feel it.Sorry about this, I know it's a bit silly.Take a stress pill and think things over.This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.We'll all be murdered in our beds!You can't come in. Our tiger has got fluWhat, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what?You can't get the wood, you know.... and it used to be so popular...Pauses for audience applause, not a sausageHold it up to the light --- not a brain in sight!There's a lot of it about, you know.You do that again and see what happens...Harm can come to a young lad like that!And with that remarks folks, the case of the Crown vs yourself was proven.Speak English you fool --- there are no subtitles in this scene.It's only your word against mine.I think ... err ... I think ... I think I'll go homeMy pet ferret can type better than you!Your mind just hasn't been the same since the electro-shock, has it?Maybe if you used more than just two fingers...BOB says: You seem to have forgotten your passwd, enter another!I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler.The more you drive -- the dumber you get.Listen, burrito brains, I don't have time to listen to this trash.I've seen penguins that can type better than that.Have you considered trying to match wits with a rutabaga?You speak an infinite deal of nothingpam_acct_mgmt: %d%s, %spam_chauthtok: %spam_authenticate: %sunable to initialize PAMPassword:reset your password and try againAccount or password is expiredPassword expired, contact your system administratorsection for sudo, contact your system administratorAccount expired or PAM config lacks an "account"NRuHOST_ALIASCMND_ALIASUSER_ALIASRUNAS_ALIAS %s: %d , (%s) NOEXEC: NOPASSWD: Alias `%s' already definedmatching stack underflowWarningErrorALLsyntax errormemory exhaustedUser %s may run the following commands on this host: >>> sudoers file: %s, line %d <<< Out of memory defining alias `%s'Aliases corrupted defining alias `%s'%s: undeclared Host_Alias `%s' referenced near line %d %s: undeclared Runas_Alias `%s' referenced near line %d %s: undeclared Cmnd_Alias `%s' referenced near line %d %s: undeclared User_Alias `%s' referenced near line %d &-/.************1,9:88:;****:<:;3<7****7:>99h<>8****B=;>^:<<**<**1242-,p,!3)=33553%4~4****4?.********0o/********P66****6.****:/5-c--2230:8'O8S-9@`4/XDZJQUPT]0^:8Ypqr'OmSO&8SOnJbQUSc2&Un   ^  uX\z}       SaW|yUECV4'IGK87 klbUm nklC+s kl/m01"2#$%n,{mE3jOr&PQK4G/'0192I:;<R/S0132"U=#$%X4K3Z>W9a&:;<\^cdeuz|!=fti~g[YhTJ_]` B @H FRPN L[ZYX\TV %"#$!D654371.0W AGQMU,E2/C?>=*J)ISO&8-,+K'9:;<( !!""#""""""$%&%'%(%))*****++,--.....//012133445657777788888999::<;==>>@?AABBDCEEGFHHIIJJJJJt.!1V,3 EBCFGd -.LM56vwoyx?@VA}pBNDqHF()*bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()unable to allocate memoryfill_args: buffer overflowinput in flex scanner failedout of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()flex scanner push-back overflowfatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowfatal flex scanner internal error--no action found[eXW|U9T;\U9USUUDVWUY}Z]&]\]C[y[TjTjTWXSXX YS\9Tq\\S[\SdWZYZZZZZZ   !"#$%&' ( )*++,-.++/++0123++4567+++++(#"!&& &&& &&&#!%$   OOPPQQRROSOOOTUOOVOWSOOOSSXOYOZ[X//O222XXO\O\\OOO]^_^O^O`SSOOTOUUVVWaSSSSOSSSSSSXXOYYZZ[XXX///2222XXO\\OOOO]^^_b_OO^^OSSSSSS///2222X^Ob__SSSSSSXX///2222XbOOSSS///222XSSSSSXX///222XSOOOOSSSX2XSSSSSXX2XOOSO////SSSS/X////XS////XSSXX//////S/X//////SSSXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA8wx9T|~|^\WH2)51(k#4:|[s(iXdULC*8 L;,3E*&SlQ61'+DK?Xp0X4kHNS/8|AJSR;\en u~ &"GX1&Yc_I`{]f^ (18/AQZcJl:u~(1:CLU^gpy-4;BIPW^elsz??a#GGabVb7C#\.7\C.. 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!lj###geId"I"""""""fc$%&$$$$ba]'\'''''''[((()Q*******)O+++++++MK)g,,,,,-*HJ""""""".I///////.O0000000.O111112/fO'''''''3453333)O*******OOOOOOO)I*******)O******H6786666.O///////OOOOOOO.g///////.O//////f9O:::::::9O;;;;;;;9O<<<<<=:>O???????>O@@@@@@@>OAAAAAB?HOCDECCCC9O:::::::9O:::::::9O::::::HfOFGHFFFF>O???????>O???????>O??????fHOIIIIIIIHOCCCCCCCHOJJJJJKIfOLLLLLLLfOFFFFFFFfOMMMMMNLIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLOOOOILLLLLLIOOOOOgOOOOOOOOOOOg9999999AAAAAAAHOOOOHHLLLLLLLNOOOONNPOOOOPPROROORRfOOOOffiOOOOiikOOOOkkmOmOOmm{O{{OO{OOSOSOOSS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOinternal error, tried to erealloc3(0)internal error, erealloc3() overflowinternal error, tried to erealloc(0)internal error, tried to emalloc2(0)internal error, emalloc2() overflowinternal error, tried to emalloc(0)authprivnoticealertanyallSorry, try again./var/run/sudo[sudo] password for %u:/usr/sbin/sendmail-t/usr/bin/editor/usr/lib/sudo/sudo_noexec.so%s: %s %s: %.*s %s syslogsyslog_goodprisyslog_badprilong_otp_promptignore_dotIgnore '.' in $PATHmail_alwaysmail_badpassmail_no_usermail_no_hostmail_no_permstty_ticketslecturelecture_fileauthenticateroot_sudoRoot may run sudolog_hostlog_yearshell_noargsalways_set_homepath_infofqdninsultsrequirettyenv_editorrootpwrunaspwtargetpwuse_loginclassset_lognamestay_setuidenv_resetpreserve_groupsloglinelentimestamp_timeoutpasswd_timeoutpasswd_triesumasklogfilePath to log file: %smailerpathPath to mail program: %smailerflagsFlags for mail program: %smailtoAddress to send mail to: %smailsubbadpass_messagetimestampdirtimestampownerexempt_grouppasspromptDefault password prompt: %srunas_defaultlistpwverifypwnoexecnoexec_fileenv_checkenv_deleteenv_keepignore_local_sudoersauthdaemonlocal0local1local2local3local4local5local6local7critdebugemergerrwarningneveronce*** SECURITY information for %h ***unknown defaults entry `%s' referenced near line %dvalue `%s' is invalid for option `%s'no value specified for `%s' on line %dvalues for `%s' must start with a '/'option `%s' does not take a value on line %dAvailable options in a sudoers ``Defaults'' line: Syslog facility if syslog is being used for logging: %sSyslog priority to use when user authenticates successfully: %sSyslog priority to use when user authenticates unsuccessfully: %sPut OTP prompt on its own lineAlways send mail when sudo is runSend mail if user authentication failsSend mail if the user is not in sudoersSend mail if the user is not in sudoers for this hostSend mail if the user is not allowed to run a commandUse a separate timestamp for each user/tty comboLecture user the first time they run sudoFile containing the sudo lecture: %sRequire users to authenticate by defaultLog the hostname in the (non-syslog) log fileLog the year in the (non-syslog) log fileIf sudo is invoked with no arguments, start a shellSet $HOME to the target user when starting a shell with -sAlways set $HOME to the target user's home directoryAllow some information gathering to give useful error messagesRequire fully-qualified hostnames in the sudoers fileInsult the user when they enter an incorrect passwordOnly allow the user to run sudo if they have a ttyVisudo will honor the EDITOR environment variablePrompt for root's password, not the users'sPrompt for the runas_default user's password, not the users'sPrompt for the target user's password, not the users'sApply defaults in the target user's login class if there is oneSet the LOGNAME and USER environment variablesOnly set the effective uid to the target user, not the real uidReset the environment to a default set of variablesDon't initialize the group vector to that of the target userLength at which to wrap log file lines (0 for no wrap): %dAuthentication timestamp timeout: %d minutesPassword prompt timeout: %d minutesNumber of tries to enter a password: %dUmask to use or 0777 to use user's: 0%oSubject line for mail messages: %sIncorrect password message: %sPath to authentication timestamp dir: %sOwner of the authentication timestamp dir: %sUsers in this group are exempt from password and PATH requirements: %sDefault user to run commands as: %sPath to the editor for use by visudo: %sWhen to require a password for 'list' pseudocommand: %sWhen to require a password for 'verify' pseudocommand: %sPreload the dummy exec functions contained in 'noexec_file'File containing dummy exec functions: %sEnvironment variables to check for sanity:Environment variables to remove:Environment variables to preserve:If LDAP directory is up, do we ignore local sudoers fileoj|jkTkkjk?kjWjnnnn o2o=ooop ` hrHox  4000ooorPΚޚ.>N^n~Λޛ.>N^n~Μޜ.>N^n~Νޝ.>N^n~Ξޞ.>N^n~Οޟ.>N^n~Πޠ.>N^n~Ρޡ.>N^n~΢ޢHvvvvvvvvwwww"w0w9wFwAwvvJw\wdwmwvw{wwwPv[vwwwh<h,HЉd8\4\І0MH_vp,\̍<@` '$6dDT_s<t  4`$,-d7<DOHZ|air `D3?Za}$Hh P0 \ @  8 d+4pPI NU\cjqx2yxxxsudo!@`.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink (( %HHl!od+ ` 3xx;orr,Ho`W 0` 000 i``dxxpo"xuhrh{rb 88U<