// ElectricMotor.cpp: implementation of the CElectricMotor class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "ElectricMotor.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CElectricMotor::CElectricMotor() { m_nVoltage = 0; } CElectricMotor::CElectricMotor(const string & id, double volts) { m_nVoltage = volts; set_ID(id); } void CElectricMotor::Input() { CMotor::Input(); // call base class first double volts; cout << "Voltage: "; cin >> volts; set_Voltage(volts); } void CElectricMotor::Display() const { // call base class function first CMotor::Display(); cout << " [CElectricMotor]" << " Voltage=" << m_nVoltage << endl; } void CElectricMotor::set_Voltage(double volts) { m_nVoltage = volts; } double CElectricMotor::get_Voltage() const { return m_nVoltage; }