import java.util.Scanner; import; import; public class ElevatorLab { public static void main(String[] args) { // Creacion botoneras int numPisos = 4; Botonera[] botoneras = new Botonera[numPisos+1]; // index goes from 0 to numPisos. botoneras[0] = new BotoneraCabina(4); botoneras[1] = new BotoneraPrimerPiso(); for (int i=2; i< numPisos; i++) botoneras[i] = new BotoneraPisoIntermedio(); botoneras[numPisos] = new BotoneraUltimoPiso(); // Lectura archivo String filename = args[0]; File file = new File(filename); Scanner in=null; try{ in = new Scanner(file); int time=-1, nbotonera=0, piso; String accion=""; while(in.hasNextLine()){ if (time>0) { // reset previous request if (accion.equals("U")) ((UpRequest) botoneras[nbotonera]).resetUpRequest(); else if (accion.equals("D")) ((DownRequest) botoneras[nbotonera]).resetDownRequest(); else ((BotoneraCabina)botoneras[0]).resetFloorRequest(Integer.parseInt(accion)); } if (in.hasNextInt()) time = in.nextInt(); else break; if (in.hasNextInt()) nbotonera=in.nextInt(); else break; accion = in.nextLine().trim(); if (!botoneras[nbotonera].setRequest(accion)) break; // show buttons's state System.out.print(time+"\t"+(BotoneraCabina)botoneras[0]+"\t"); for (int i=1; i < numPisos; i++) System.out.print(((UpRequest)botoneras[i]).isUpRequested()?"1":"0"); System.out.print("\t"); for (int i=2; i <= numPisos; i++) System.out.print(((DownRequest)botoneras[i]).isDownRequested()?"1":"0"); System.out.println(); } } catch(FileNotFoundException exception){ System.out.println("The file " + file.getPath() + " was not found."); System.exit(-1); } if (in.hasNextLine()) // there was a break while reading the input file System.out.println("Input file format error in: "+in.nextLine()); } }