U o aJR@sddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZzddlmZWn ek r`ddl mZYnXddl m Z ddl m Z mZmZmZmZmZddlmZmZmZeeZdZdZGd d d eZdS) N)Thread)DistlibException)HTTPBasicAuthHandlerRequestHTTPPasswordMgrurlparse build_opener string_types)cached_propertyzip_dir ServerProxyzhttps://pypi.org/pypipypic@seZdZdZdZd*ddZddZdd Zd d Zd d Z ddZ ddZ d+ddZ d,ddZ d-ddZd.ddZddZd/ddZd0d d!Zd1d"d#Zd$d%Zd&d'Zd2d(d)ZdS)3 PackageIndexzc This class represents a package index compatible with PyPI, the Python Package Index. s.----------ThIs_Is_tHe_distlib_index_bouNdaRY_$Nc Cs|pt|_|t|j\}}}}}}|s<|s<|s<|dkrJtd|jd|_d|_d|_d|_t t j dR}dD]F} z,t j | dg||d} | dkr| |_WqWqttk rYqtXqtW5QRXdS) z Initialise an instance. :param url: The URL of the index. If not specified, the URL for PyPI is used. )httphttpszinvalid repository: %sNw)gpgZgpg2z --versionstdoutstderrr) DEFAULT_INDEXurlread_configurationrrpassword_handler ssl_verifierrgpg_homeopenosdevnull subprocess check_callOSError) selfrschemenetlocpathparamsqueryfragZsinksrcr,ZC:\Users\vtejo\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-unpacked-wheel-6mt8ur68\pip\_vendor\distlib\index.py__init__$s(   zPackageIndex.__init__cCs&ddlm}ddlm}|}||S)zs Get the distutils command for interacting with PyPI configurations. :return: the command. r) Distribution) PyPIRCCommand)distutils.corer/distutils.configr0)r#r/r0dr,r,r-_get_pypirc_commandAs  z PackageIndex._get_pypirc_commandcCsR|}|j|_|}|d|_|d|_|dd|_|d|j|_dS)z Read the PyPI access configuration as supported by distutils, getting PyPI to do the actual work. This populates ``username``, ``password``, ``realm`` and ``url`` attributes from the configuration. usernamepasswordrealmr repositoryN)r4rr8 _read_pypircgetr5r6r7)r#ccfgr,r,r-rKs  zPackageIndex.read_configurationcCs$||}||j|jdS)z Save the PyPI access configuration. You must have set ``username`` and ``password`` attributes before calling this method. Again, distutils is used to do the actual work. N)check_credentialsr4 _store_pypircr5r6)r#r;r,r,r-save_configurationZszPackageIndex.save_configurationcCs\|jdks|jdkrtdt}t|j\}}}}}}||j||j|jt||_ dS)zp Check that ``username`` and ``password`` have been set, and raise an exception if not. Nz!username and password must be set) r5r6rrrr add_passwordr7rr)r#Zpm_r%r,r,r-r=fs zPackageIndex.check_credentialscCs\|||}d|d<||g}||}d|d<||g}||S)aq Register a distribution on PyPI, using the provided metadata. :param metadata: A :class:`Metadata` instance defining at least a name and version number for the distribution to be registered. :return: The HTTP response received from PyPI upon submission of the request. verify:actionZsubmit)r=validatetodictencode_requestitems send_request)r#metadatar3requestresponser,r,r-registerrs  zPackageIndex.registercCsF|}|sq:|d}||td||fq|dS)ar Thread runner for reading lines of from a subprocess into a buffer. :param name: The logical name of the stream (used for logging only). :param stream: The stream to read from. This will typically a pipe connected to the output stream of a subprocess. :param outbuf: The list to append the read lines to. utf-8z%s: %sN)readlinedecoderstripappendloggerdebugclose)r#namestreamZoutbufr*r,r,r-_readers  zPackageIndex._readerc Cs|jdddg}|dkr|j}|r.|d|g|dk rF|dddgt}tj|tj|d }|d d d |d ||gt dd|||fS)a Return a suitable command for signing a file. :param filename: The pathname to the file to be signed. :param signer: The identifier of the signer of the file. :param sign_password: The passphrase for the signer's private key used for signing. :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys used in verification. If not specified, the instance's ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead. :return: The signing command as a list suitable to be passed to :class:`subprocess.Popen`. --status-fd2--no-ttyN --homedirz--batchz--passphrase-fd0z.ascz --detach-signz--armorz --local-userz--output invoking: %s ) rrextendtempfilemkdtemprr&joinbasenamerRrS)r#filenamesigner sign_passwordkeystorecmdtdZsfr,r,r-get_sign_commands" zPackageIndex.get_sign_commandc Cstjtjd}|dk r tj|d<g}g}tj|f|}t|jd|j|fd}|t|jd|j|fd}||dk r|j ||j | | | |j ||fS)a Run a command in a child process , passing it any input data specified. :param cmd: The command to run. :param input_data: If specified, this must be a byte string containing data to be sent to the child process. :return: A tuple consisting of the subprocess' exit code, a list of lines read from the subprocess' ``stdout``, and a list of lines read from the subprocess' ``stderr``. rNstdinr)targetargsr)r PIPEPopenrrWrstartrrkwriterTwaitrb returncode) r#rhZ input_datakwargsrrpt1t2r,r,r- run_commands&    zPackageIndex.run_commandc CsD|||||\}}|||d\}}} |dkr@td||S)aR Sign a file. :param filename: The pathname to the file to be signed. :param signer: The identifier of the signer of the file. :param sign_password: The passphrase for the signer's private key used for signing. :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys used in signing. If not specified, the instance's ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead. :return: The absolute pathname of the file where the signature is stored. rMrz&sign command failed with error code %s)rjrxencoder) r#rdrerfrgrhsig_filer+rrr,r,r- sign_files  zPackageIndex.sign_filesdistsourcec Cs(|tj|s td|||}d} |rZ|jsJt dn| ||||} t |d} | } W5QRXt | } t | } |dd||| | ddtj|| fg}| rt | d} | }W5QRX|d tj| |fttj| |||}||S) a Upload a release file to the index. :param metadata: A :class:`Metadata` instance defining at least a name and version number for the file to be uploaded. :param filename: The pathname of the file to be uploaded. :param signer: The identifier of the signer of the file. :param sign_password: The passphrase for the signer's private key used for signing. :param filetype: The type of the file being uploaded. This is the distutils command which produced that file, e.g. ``sdist`` or ``bdist_wheel``. :param pyversion: The version of Python which the release relates to. For code compatible with any Python, this would be ``source``, otherwise it would be e.g. ``3.2``. :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys used in signing. If not specified, the instance's ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead. :return: The HTTP response received from PyPI upon submission of the request. z not found: %sNz)no signing program available - not signedrbZ file_upload1)rCZprotocol_versionfiletype pyversion md5_digest sha256_digestcontentZ gpg_signature)r=rr&existsrrDrErrRwarningr{rreadhashlibmd5 hexdigestsha256updatercrQshutilrmtreedirnamerFrGrH)r#rIrdrerfrrrgr3rzfZ file_datarrfilesZsig_datarJr,r,r- upload_filesD      zPackageIndex.upload_filec Cs|tj|s td|tj|d}tj|sFtd|||j|j }}t | }dd|fd|fg}d||fg}| ||} | | S)a2 Upload documentation to the index. :param metadata: A :class:`Metadata` instance defining at least a name and version number for the documentation to be uploaded. :param doc_dir: The pathname of the directory which contains the documentation. This should be the directory that contains the ``index.html`` for the documentation. :return: The HTTP response received from PyPI upon submission of the request. znot a directory: %rz index.htmlz not found: %r)rCZ doc_uploadrUversionr)r=rr&isdirrrbrrDrUrr getvaluerFrH) r#rIZdoc_dirfnrUrzip_datafieldsrrJr,r,r-upload_documentation(s        z!PackageIndex.upload_documentationcCsT|jdddg}|dkr|j}|r.|d|g|d||gtdd||S) a| Return a suitable command for verifying a file. :param signature_filename: The pathname to the file containing the signature. :param data_filename: The pathname to the file containing the signed data. :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys used in verification. If not specified, the instance's ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead. :return: The verifying command as a list suitable to be passed to :class:`subprocess.Popen`. rXrYrZNr[z--verifyr]r^)rrr_rRrSrb)r#signature_filename data_filenamergrhr,r,r-get_verify_commandDszPackageIndex.get_verify_commandcCsH|jstd||||}||\}}}|dkr@td||dkS)a6 Verify a signature for a file. :param signature_filename: The pathname to the file containing the signature. :param data_filename: The pathname to the file containing the signed data. :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys used in verification. If not specified, the instance's ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead. :return: True if the signature was verified, else False. z0verification unavailable because gpg unavailable)rrz(verify command failed with error code %sr)rrrrx)r#rrrgrhr+rrr,r,r-verify_signature\szPackageIndex.verify_signaturec Csl|dkrd}tdn6t|ttfr0|\}}nd}tt|}td|t|d}|t |}z| } d} d} d} d} d | krt | d } |r|| | | | | }|sq| t|7} |||r||| d 7} |r|| | | qW5| XW5QRX| dkr0| | kr0td | | f|rh|}||kr\td ||||ftd|dS)a This is a convenience method for downloading a file from an URL. Normally, this will be a file from the index, though currently no check is made for this (i.e. a file can be downloaded from anywhere). The method is just like the :func:`urlretrieve` function in the standard library, except that it allows digest computation to be done during download and checking that the downloaded data matched any expected value. :param url: The URL of the file to be downloaded (assumed to be available via an HTTP GET request). :param destfile: The pathname where the downloaded file is to be saved. :param digest: If specified, this must be a (hasher, value) tuple, where hasher is the algorithm used (e.g. ``'md5'``) and ``value`` is the expected value. :param reporthook: The same as for :func:`urlretrieve` in the standard library. NzNo digest specifiedrzDigest specified: %swbi rzcontent-lengthzContent-Lengthrz1retrieval incomplete: got only %d out of %d bytesz.%s digest mismatch for %s: expected %s, got %szDigest verified: %s)rRrS isinstancelisttuplegetattrrrrHrrTinfointrlenrqrrr)r#rdestfiledigest reporthookZdigesterZhasherZdfpZsfpheaders blocksizesizerblocknumblockactualr,r,r- download_fileus^           zPackageIndex.download_filecCs:g}|jr||j|jr(||jt|}||S)z Send a standard library :class:`Request` to PyPI and return its response. :param req: The request to send. :return: The HTTP response from PyPI (a standard library HTTPResponse). )rrQrr r)r#reqhandlersopenerr,r,r-rHs  zPackageIndex.send_requestc Csg}|j}|D]L\}}t|ttfs*|g}|D]*}|d|d|dd|dfq.q|D].\}} } |d|d|| fdd| fq`|d|ddfd|} d|} | tt| d} t |j | | S) a& Encode fields and files for posting to an HTTP server. :param fields: The fields to send as a list of (fieldname, value) tuples. :param files: The files to send as a list of (fieldname, filename, file_bytes) tuple. s--z)Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"rMz8Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"s smultipart/form-data; boundary=)z Content-typezContent-length) boundaryrrrr_ryrbstrrrr)r#rrpartsrkvaluesvkeyrdvaluebodyctrr,r,r-rFsD     zPackageIndex.encode_requestcCsFt|trd|i}t|jdd}z|||p.dWS|dXdS)NrUg@)timeoutrTand)rr r rsearch)r#ZtermsoperatorZ rpc_proxyr,r,r-rs  zPackageIndex.search)N)N)N)N)NNr|r}N)N)N)NN)N)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rr.r4rr?r=rLrWrjrxr{rrrrrrHrFrr,r,r,r-rs6      #  9   M+r)rloggingrrr r` threadingr ImportErrorZdummy_threadingrcompatrrrrr r utilr r r getLoggerrrRr DEFAULT_REALMobjectrr,r,r,r-s