U o a@sdZddlZddlZddlmZddlZddlmZddlZddl m Z ddl m Z ddl mZmZeeZd d ZGd d d eZdd dZdddZdS)zIBuild wheels/sdists by installing build deps to a temporary environment. N)toml) check_call) get_paths)mkdtemp)Pep517HookCaller LoggerWrapperc CsHttj|d}t|}W5QRX|d}|d|d|dfS)Nzpyproject.tomlz build-systemrequiresz build-backendz backend-path)openospathjoinrloadget) source_dirfZpyproject_dataZbuildsysr\C:\Users\vtejo\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-unpacked-wheel-6mt8ur68\pip\_vendor\pep517\envbuild.py_load_pyprojectsrc@s6eZdZdZdZd ddZddZdd Zd d ZdS) BuildEnvironmentzContext manager to install build deps in a simple temporary environment Based on code I wrote for pip, which is MIT licensed. NTcCs ||_dS)N)_cleanup)selfcleanuprrr__init__9szBuildEnvironment.__init__cCstdd|_td|jtjdd|_tjdd|_tj dkrHdnd}t ||j|jdd }|d }|jr|tj |jtjd<n|tj tj tjd<|d |d kr|d }n|d tj |d }|jr|tj |jtjd<n |tjd<|S) Nzpep517-build-env-)prefixzTemporary build environment: %sPATH PYTHONPATHnt posix_prefix)baseplatbase)varsscriptspurelibplatlib) rr loginfor environr save_pathsave_pythonpathnamerpathsepdefpath)rZinstall_schemeZ install_dirsr"lib_dirsrrr __enter__<s0      zBuildEnvironment.__enter__cCsT|sdStd|tjddddd|jgt|}t|tttj tttj ddS) zAInstall dependencies into this env by calling pip in a subprocessNzCalling pip to install %sz-mpipinstallz--ignore-installedz--prefix)stdoutstderr) r%r&sys executabler listrrloggingINFOERROR)rreqscmdrrr pip_install\s$   zBuildEnvironment.pip_installcCs~|jo|jdk otj|j}|r.t|j|jdkrHtjddn |jtjd<|j dkrntjddn |j tjd<dS)Nrr) rr r isdirshutilrmtreer(r'popr))rexc_typeexc_valexc_tbZ needs_cleanuprrr__exit__js     zBuildEnvironment.__exit__)T) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r rr.r;rCrrrrrs   rc Csn|dkr i}t|\}}}t|||}t8}||||}|||||W5QRSQRXdS)amBuild a wheel from a source directory using PEP 517 hooks. :param str source_dir: Source directory containing pyproject.toml :param str wheel_dir: Target directory to create wheel in :param dict config_settings: Options to pass to build backend This is a blocking function which will run pip in a subprocess to install build requirements. N)rrrr;get_requires_for_build_wheel build_wheel) r wheel_dirconfig_settingsr backend backend_pathhooksenvr9rrrrI~s     rIc Csn|dkr i}t|\}}}t|||}t8}||||}|||||W5QRSQRXdS)amBuild an sdist from a source directory using PEP 517 hooks. :param str source_dir: Source directory containing pyproject.toml :param str sdist_dir: Target directory to place sdist in :param dict config_settings: Options to pass to build backend This is a blocking function which will run pip in a subprocess to install build requirements. N)rrrr;get_requires_for_build_sdist build_sdist) rZ sdist_dirrKr rLrMrNrOr9rrrrQs     rQ)N)N)rGr r6 pip._vendorrr= subprocessrr3 sysconfigrtempfilerwrappersrr getLoggerrDr%robjectrrIrQrrrrs      a