U oÏ a½ã@s8dZddlZdd„Zdd„Zdd„Zd d „Zd d „ZdS) zB This module provides means to detect the App Engine environment. éNcCs tƒp tƒS)N)Úis_local_appengineÚis_prod_appengine©rrúoC:\Users\vtejo\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-unpacked-wheel-6mt8ur68\pip\_vendor\urllib3\contrib\_appengine_environ.pyÚ is_appenginesrcCstƒotjddkS)a#Reports if the app is running in the first generation sandbox. The second generation runtimes are technically still in a sandbox, but it is much less restrictive, so generally you shouldn't need to check for it. see https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/runtimes ÚAPPENGINE_RUNTIMEÚpython27)rÚosÚenvironrrrrÚis_appengine_sandbox sr cCsdtjkotj dd¡ d¡S)NrÚSERVER_SOFTWAREÚz Development/©r r ÚgetÚ startswithrrrrrs ÿþrcCsdtjkotj dd¡ d¡S)Nrr r zGoogle App Engine/rrrrrrs ÿþrcCsdS)z Deprecated.FrrrrrÚis_prod_appengine_mvms"sr)Ú__doc__r rr rrrrrrrÚs