U o a @s@ddlmZddlmZddlmZddZddZd d Z d S) )absolute_import) http_client)HeaderParsingErrorcCslz |WStk rYnXz|jWStk r<YnXz |jdkWStk r^YnXtddS)zt Checks whether a given file-like object is closed. :param obj: The file-like object to check. Nz)Unable to determine whether fp is closed.)isclosedAttributeErrorclosedfp ValueError)objr bC:\Users\vtejo\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-unpacked-wheel-6mt8ur68\pip\_vendor\urllib3\util\response.py is_fp_closeds  rcCsvt|tjstdt|t|dd}t|dd}d}|r^|s^|}t|tt fr^|}|sf|rrt ||ddS)aP Asserts whether all headers have been successfully parsed. Extracts encountered errors from the result of parsing headers. Only works on Python 3. :param headers: Headers to verify. :type headers: `httplib.HTTPMessage`. :raises urllib3.exceptions.HeaderParsingError: If parsing errors are found. z"expected httplib.Message, got {0}.defectsN get_payload)r unparsed_data) isinstancehttplib HTTPMessage TypeErrorformattypegetattr is_multipartbytesstrr)headersrrrpayloadr r r assert_header_parsing&s   rcCs$|j}t|tr|dkS|dkS)z Checks whether the request of a response has been a HEAD-request. Handles the quirks of AppEngine. :param conn: :type conn: :class:`httplib.HTTPResponse` HEAD)_methodrintupper)responsemethodr r r is_response_to_headJs  r&N) __future__rZpackages.six.movesrr exceptionsrrrr&r r r r s   $