U ÂÏ aH ã@sDdZddlmZddlmZe e¡Zd dd„Zdd„Zd d „Z d S) a7The inspection module provides the :func:`_sa.inspect` function, which delivers runtime information about a wide variety of SQLAlchemy objects, both within the Core as well as the ORM. The :func:`_sa.inspect` function is the entry point to SQLAlchemy's public API for viewing the configuration and construction of in-memory objects. Depending on the type of object passed to :func:`_sa.inspect`, the return value will either be a related object which provides a known interface, or in many cases it will return the object itself. The rationale for :func:`_sa.inspect` is twofold. One is that it replaces the need to be aware of a large variety of "information getting" functions in SQLAlchemy, such as :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.from_engine` (deprecated in 1.4), :func:`.orm.attributes.instance_state`, :func:`_orm.class_mapper`, and others. The other is that the return value of :func:`_sa.inspect` is guaranteed to obey a documented API, thus allowing third party tools which build on top of SQLAlchemy configurations to be constructed in a forwards-compatible way. é)Úexc)ÚutilTcCsvt|ƒ}|jD]8}|tkrt|}|dkr2|S||ƒ}|dk rqPqd}}|rr|dksd|dkrrt d|¡‚|S)a²Produce an inspection object for the given target. The returned value in some cases may be the same object as the one given, such as if a :class:`_orm.Mapper` object is passed. In other cases, it will be an instance of the registered inspection type for the given object, such as if an :class:`_engine.Engine` is passed, an :class:`_reflection.Inspector` object is returned. :param subject: the subject to be inspected. :param raiseerr: When ``True``, if the given subject does not correspond to a known SQLAlchemy inspected type, :class:`sqlalchemy.exc.NoInspectionAvailable` is raised. If ``False``, ``None`` is returned. TNz7No inspection system is available for object of type %s)ÚtypeÚ__mro__Ú _registrarsrZNoInspectionAvailable)ÚsubjectZraiseerrÚtype_ÚclsÚregÚret©r úVC:\Users\vtejo\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-unpacked-wheel-nyjtotrf\sqlalchemy\inspection.pyÚinspect's" ÿÿrcs‡fdd„}|S)Ncs*ˆD] }|tkrtd|ƒ‚|t|<q|S)NzType %s is already registered)rÚAssertionError)Z fn_or_clsr©Útypesr r ÚdecorateOsÿ z_inspects..decorater )rrr rr Ú _inspectsNs rcCst|ƒdƒ|S)NT)r)r r r r Ú_self_inspects[s rN)T) Ú__doc__ÚrrÚ defaultdictÚlistrrrrr r r r Ús     '