U ÃÏ a{ã @sòdZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z dd lm Z dd l m Z dd l m Z dd lmZdd lmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZdddddddddddddg Zd S)!a{Connection pooling for DB-API connections. Provides a number of connection pool implementations for a variety of usage scenarios and thread behavior requirements imposed by the application, DB-API or database itself. Also provides a DB-API 2.0 connection proxying mechanism allowing regular DB-API connect() methods to be transparently managed by a SQLAlchemy connection pool. é)Úevents)Ú_ConnectionFairy)Ú_ConnectionRecord)Ú_finalize_fairy)ÚPool)Ú reset_commit)Ú reset_none)Úreset_rollback)Úclear_managers)Úmanage)Ú AssertionPool)ÚAsyncAdaptedQueuePool)ÚFallbackAsyncAdaptedQueuePool)ÚNullPool)Ú QueuePool)ÚSingletonThreadPool)Ú StaticPoolrrrr r r r rrr rrrN)Ú__doc__ÚrÚbaserrrrrrr Z dbapi_proxyr r Úimplr r rrrrrÚ__all__©rrúYC:\Users\vtejo\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-unpacked-wheel-nyjtotrf\sqlalchemy\pool\__init__.pyÚ s>                 ó