# testing/fixtures.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2021 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php import contextlib import re import sys import sqlalchemy as sa from . import assertions from . import config from . import schema from .entities import BasicEntity from .entities import ComparableEntity from .entities import ComparableMixin # noqa from .util import adict from .util import drop_all_tables_from_metadata from .. import event from .. import util from ..orm import declarative_base from ..orm import registry from ..orm.decl_api import DeclarativeMeta from ..schema import sort_tables_and_constraints @config.mark_base_test_class() class TestBase(object): # A sequence of requirement names matching testing.requires decorators __requires__ = () # A sequence of dialect names to exclude from the test class. __unsupported_on__ = () # If present, test class is only runnable for the *single* specified # dialect. If you need multiple, use __unsupported_on__ and invert. __only_on__ = None # A sequence of no-arg callables. If any are True, the entire testcase is # skipped. __skip_if__ = None # if True, the testing reaper will not attempt to touch connection # state after a test is completed and before the outer teardown # starts __leave_connections_for_teardown__ = False def assert_(self, val, msg=None): assert val, msg @config.fixture() def connection_no_trans(self): eng = getattr(self, "bind", None) or config.db with eng.connect() as conn: yield conn @config.fixture() def connection(self): global _connection_fixture_connection eng = getattr(self, "bind", None) or config.db conn = eng.connect() trans = conn.begin() _connection_fixture_connection = conn yield conn _connection_fixture_connection = None if trans.is_active: trans.rollback() # trans would not be active here if the test is using # the legacy @provide_metadata decorator still, as it will # run a close all connections. conn.close() @config.fixture() def registry(self, metadata): reg = registry(metadata=metadata) yield reg reg.dispose() @config.fixture() def future_connection(self, future_engine, connection): # integrate the future_engine and connection fixtures so # that users of the "connection" fixture will get at the # "future" connection yield connection @config.fixture() def future_engine(self): eng = getattr(self, "bind", None) or config.db with _push_future_engine(eng): yield @config.fixture() def testing_engine(self): from . import engines def gen_testing_engine( url=None, options=None, future=None, asyncio=False, transfer_staticpool=False, ): if options is None: options = {} options["scope"] = "fixture" return engines.testing_engine( url=url, options=options, future=future, asyncio=asyncio, transfer_staticpool=transfer_staticpool, ) yield gen_testing_engine engines.testing_reaper._drop_testing_engines("fixture") @config.fixture() def async_testing_engine(self, testing_engine): def go(**kw): kw["asyncio"] = True return testing_engine(**kw) return go @config.fixture() def metadata(self, request): """Provide bound MetaData for a single test, dropping afterwards.""" from ..sql import schema metadata = schema.MetaData() request.instance.metadata = metadata yield metadata del request.instance.metadata if ( _connection_fixture_connection and _connection_fixture_connection.in_transaction() ): trans = _connection_fixture_connection.get_transaction() trans.rollback() with _connection_fixture_connection.begin(): drop_all_tables_from_metadata( metadata, _connection_fixture_connection ) else: drop_all_tables_from_metadata(metadata, config.db) @config.fixture( params=[ (rollback, second_operation, begin_nested) for rollback in (True, False) for second_operation in ("none", "execute", "begin") for begin_nested in ( True, False, ) ] ) def trans_ctx_manager_fixture(self, request, metadata): rollback, second_operation, begin_nested = request.param from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, func, select from . import eq_ t = Table("test", metadata, Column("data", Integer)) eng = getattr(self, "bind", None) or config.db t.create(eng) def run_test(subject, trans_on_subject, execute_on_subject): with subject.begin() as trans: if begin_nested: if not config.requirements.savepoints.enabled: config.skip_test("savepoints not enabled") if execute_on_subject: nested_trans = subject.begin_nested() else: nested_trans = trans.begin_nested() with nested_trans: if execute_on_subject: subject.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 10}) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 10}) # for nested trans, we always commit/rollback on the # "nested trans" object itself. # only Session(future=False) will affect savepoint # transaction for session.commit/rollback if rollback: nested_trans.rollback() else: nested_trans.commit() if second_operation != "none": with assertions.expect_raises_message( sa.exc.InvalidRequestError, "Can't operate on closed transaction " "inside context " "manager. Please complete the context " "manager " "before emitting further commands.", ): if second_operation == "execute": if execute_on_subject: subject.execute( t.insert(), {"data": 12} ) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 12}) elif second_operation == "begin": if execute_on_subject: subject.begin_nested() else: trans.begin_nested() # outside the nested trans block, but still inside the # transaction block, we can run SQL, and it will be # committed if execute_on_subject: subject.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 14}) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 14}) else: if execute_on_subject: subject.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 10}) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 10}) if trans_on_subject: if rollback: subject.rollback() else: subject.commit() else: if rollback: trans.rollback() else: trans.commit() if second_operation != "none": with assertions.expect_raises_message( sa.exc.InvalidRequestError, "Can't operate on closed transaction inside " "context " "manager. Please complete the context manager " "before emitting further commands.", ): if second_operation == "execute": if execute_on_subject: subject.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 12}) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 12}) elif second_operation == "begin": if hasattr(trans, "begin"): trans.begin() else: subject.begin() elif second_operation == "begin_nested": if execute_on_subject: subject.begin_nested() else: trans.begin_nested() expected_committed = 0 if begin_nested: # begin_nested variant, we inserted a row after the nested # block expected_committed += 1 if not rollback: # not rollback variant, our row inserted in the target # block itself would be committed expected_committed += 1 if execute_on_subject: eq_( subject.scalar(select(func.count()).select_from(t)), expected_committed, ) else: with subject.connect() as conn: eq_( conn.scalar(select(func.count()).select_from(t)), expected_committed, ) return run_test _connection_fixture_connection = None @contextlib.contextmanager def _push_future_engine(engine): from ..future.engine import Engine from sqlalchemy import testing facade = Engine._future_facade(engine) config._current.push_engine(facade, testing) yield facade config._current.pop(testing) class FutureEngineMixin(object): @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="class") def _push_future_engine(self): eng = getattr(self, "bind", None) or config.db with _push_future_engine(eng): yield class TablesTest(TestBase): # 'once', None run_setup_bind = "once" # 'once', 'each', None run_define_tables = "once" # 'once', 'each', None run_create_tables = "once" # 'once', 'each', None run_inserts = "each" # 'each', None run_deletes = "each" # 'once', None run_dispose_bind = None bind = None _tables_metadata = None tables = None other = None sequences = None @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="class") def _setup_tables_test_class(self): cls = self.__class__ cls._init_class() cls._setup_once_tables() cls._setup_once_inserts() yield cls._teardown_once_metadata_bind() @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def _setup_tables_test_instance(self): self._setup_each_tables() self._setup_each_inserts() yield self._teardown_each_tables() @property def tables_test_metadata(self): return self._tables_metadata @classmethod def _init_class(cls): if cls.run_define_tables == "each": if cls.run_create_tables == "once": cls.run_create_tables = "each" assert cls.run_inserts in ("each", None) cls.other = adict() cls.tables = adict() cls.sequences = adict() cls.bind = cls.setup_bind() cls._tables_metadata = sa.MetaData() @classmethod def _setup_once_inserts(cls): if cls.run_inserts == "once": cls._load_fixtures() with cls.bind.begin() as conn: cls.insert_data(conn) @classmethod def _setup_once_tables(cls): if cls.run_define_tables == "once": cls.define_tables(cls._tables_metadata) if cls.run_create_tables == "once": cls._tables_metadata.create_all(cls.bind) cls.tables.update(cls._tables_metadata.tables) cls.sequences.update(cls._tables_metadata._sequences) def _setup_each_tables(self): if self.run_define_tables == "each": self.define_tables(self._tables_metadata) if self.run_create_tables == "each": self._tables_metadata.create_all(self.bind) self.tables.update(self._tables_metadata.tables) self.sequences.update(self._tables_metadata._sequences) elif self.run_create_tables == "each": self._tables_metadata.create_all(self.bind) def _setup_each_inserts(self): if self.run_inserts == "each": self._load_fixtures() with self.bind.begin() as conn: self.insert_data(conn) def _teardown_each_tables(self): if self.run_define_tables == "each": self.tables.clear() if self.run_create_tables == "each": drop_all_tables_from_metadata(self._tables_metadata, self.bind) self._tables_metadata.clear() elif self.run_create_tables == "each": drop_all_tables_from_metadata(self._tables_metadata, self.bind) # no need to run deletes if tables are recreated on setup if ( self.run_define_tables != "each" and self.run_create_tables != "each" and self.run_deletes == "each" ): with self.bind.begin() as conn: for table in reversed( [ t for (t, fks) in sort_tables_and_constraints( self._tables_metadata.tables.values() ) if t is not None ] ): try: conn.execute(table.delete()) except sa.exc.DBAPIError as ex: util.print_( ("Error emptying table %s: %r" % (table, ex)), file=sys.stderr, ) @classmethod def _teardown_once_metadata_bind(cls): if cls.run_create_tables: drop_all_tables_from_metadata(cls._tables_metadata, cls.bind) if cls.run_dispose_bind == "once": cls.dispose_bind(cls.bind) cls._tables_metadata.bind = None if cls.run_setup_bind is not None: cls.bind = None @classmethod def setup_bind(cls): return config.db @classmethod def dispose_bind(cls, bind): if hasattr(bind, "dispose"): bind.dispose() elif hasattr(bind, "close"): bind.close() @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): pass @classmethod def fixtures(cls): return {} @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): pass def sql_count_(self, count, fn): self.assert_sql_count(self.bind, fn, count) def sql_eq_(self, callable_, statements): self.assert_sql(self.bind, callable_, statements) @classmethod def _load_fixtures(cls): """Insert rows as represented by the fixtures() method.""" headers, rows = {}, {} for table, data in cls.fixtures().items(): if len(data) < 2: continue if isinstance(table, util.string_types): table = cls.tables[table] headers[table] = data[0] rows[table] = data[1:] for table, fks in sort_tables_and_constraints( cls._tables_metadata.tables.values() ): if table is None: continue if table not in headers: continue with cls.bind.begin() as conn: conn.execute( table.insert(), [ dict(zip(headers[table], column_values)) for column_values in rows[table] ], ) class RemovesEvents(object): @util.memoized_property def _event_fns(self): return set() def event_listen(self, target, name, fn, **kw): self._event_fns.add((target, name, fn)) event.listen(target, name, fn, **kw) @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def _remove_events(self): yield for key in self._event_fns: event.remove(*key) _fixture_sessions = set() def fixture_session(**kw): kw.setdefault("autoflush", True) kw.setdefault("expire_on_commit", True) sess = sa.orm.Session(config.db, **kw) _fixture_sessions.add(sess) return sess def _close_all_sessions(): # will close all still-referenced sessions sa.orm.session.close_all_sessions() _fixture_sessions.clear() def stop_test_class_inside_fixtures(cls): _close_all_sessions() sa.orm.clear_mappers() def after_test(): if _fixture_sessions: _close_all_sessions() class ORMTest(TestBase): pass class MappedTest(TablesTest, assertions.AssertsExecutionResults): # 'once', 'each', None run_setup_classes = "once" # 'once', 'each', None run_setup_mappers = "each" classes = None @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="class") def _setup_tables_test_class(self): cls = self.__class__ cls._init_class() if cls.classes is None: cls.classes = adict() cls._setup_once_tables() cls._setup_once_classes() cls._setup_once_mappers() cls._setup_once_inserts() yield cls._teardown_once_class() cls._teardown_once_metadata_bind() @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def _setup_tables_test_instance(self): self._setup_each_tables() self._setup_each_classes() self._setup_each_mappers() self._setup_each_inserts() yield sa.orm.session.close_all_sessions() self._teardown_each_mappers() self._teardown_each_classes() self._teardown_each_tables() @classmethod def _teardown_once_class(cls): cls.classes.clear() @classmethod def _setup_once_classes(cls): if cls.run_setup_classes == "once": cls._with_register_classes(cls.setup_classes) @classmethod def _setup_once_mappers(cls): if cls.run_setup_mappers == "once": cls.mapper = cls._generate_mapper() cls._with_register_classes(cls.setup_mappers) def _setup_each_mappers(self): if self.run_setup_mappers == "each": self.__class__.mapper = self._generate_mapper() self._with_register_classes(self.setup_mappers) def _setup_each_classes(self): if self.run_setup_classes == "each": self._with_register_classes(self.setup_classes) @classmethod def _generate_mapper(cls): decl = registry() return decl.map_imperatively @classmethod def _with_register_classes(cls, fn): """Run a setup method, framing the operation with a Base class that will catch new subclasses to be established within the "classes" registry. """ cls_registry = cls.classes assert cls_registry is not None class FindFixture(type): def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_): cls_registry[classname] = cls type.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_) class _Base(util.with_metaclass(FindFixture, object)): pass class Basic(BasicEntity, _Base): pass class Comparable(ComparableEntity, _Base): pass cls.Basic = Basic cls.Comparable = Comparable fn() def _teardown_each_mappers(self): # some tests create mappers in the test bodies # and will define setup_mappers as None - # clear mappers in any case if self.run_setup_mappers != "once": sa.orm.clear_mappers() def _teardown_each_classes(self): if self.run_setup_classes != "once": self.classes.clear() @classmethod def setup_classes(cls): pass @classmethod def setup_mappers(cls): pass class DeclarativeMappedTest(MappedTest): run_setup_classes = "once" run_setup_mappers = "once" @classmethod def _setup_once_tables(cls): pass @classmethod def _with_register_classes(cls, fn): cls_registry = cls.classes class FindFixtureDeclarative(DeclarativeMeta): def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_): cls_registry[classname] = cls DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_) class DeclarativeBasic(object): __table_cls__ = schema.Table _DeclBase = declarative_base( metadata=cls._tables_metadata, metaclass=FindFixtureDeclarative, cls=DeclarativeBasic, ) cls.DeclarativeBasic = _DeclBase # sets up cls.Basic which is helpful for things like composite # classes super(DeclarativeMappedTest, cls)._with_register_classes(fn) if cls._tables_metadata.tables and cls.run_create_tables: cls._tables_metadata.create_all(config.db) class ComputedReflectionFixtureTest(TablesTest): run_inserts = run_deletes = None __backend__ = True __requires__ = ("computed_columns", "table_reflection") regexp = re.compile(r"[\[\]\(\)\s`'\"]*") def normalize(self, text): return self.regexp.sub("", text).lower() @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): from .. import Integer from .. import testing from ..schema import Column from ..schema import Computed from ..schema import Table Table( "computed_default_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("normal", Integer), Column("computed_col", Integer, Computed("normal + 42")), Column("with_default", Integer, server_default="42"), ) t = Table( "computed_column_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("normal", Integer), Column("computed_no_flag", Integer, Computed("normal + 42")), ) if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: t2 = Table( "computed_column_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("normal", Integer), Column("computed_no_flag", Integer, Computed("normal / 42")), schema=config.test_schema, ) if testing.requires.computed_columns_virtual.enabled: t.append_column( Column( "computed_virtual", Integer, Computed("normal + 2", persisted=False), ) ) if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: t2.append_column( Column( "computed_virtual", Integer, Computed("normal / 2", persisted=False), ) ) if testing.requires.computed_columns_stored.enabled: t.append_column( Column( "computed_stored", Integer, Computed("normal - 42", persisted=True), ) ) if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: t2.append_column( Column( "computed_stored", Integer, Computed("normal * 42", persisted=True), ) )