import operator import re import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import func from .. import config from .. import engines from .. import eq_ from .. import expect_warnings from .. import fixtures from .. import is_ from ..provision import get_temp_table_name from ..provision import temp_table_keyword_args from ..schema import Column from ..schema import Table from ... import event from ... import ForeignKey from ... import Identity from ... import inspect from ... import Integer from ... import MetaData from ... import String from ... import testing from ... import types as sql_types from ...schema import DDL from ...schema import Index from ...sql.elements import quoted_name from ...testing import is_false from ...testing import is_true metadata, users = None, None class HasTableTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "test_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", String(50)), ) if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: Table( "test_table_s", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", String(50)), schema=config.test_schema, ) def test_has_table(self): with config.db.begin() as conn: is_true(config.db.dialect.has_table(conn, "test_table")) is_false(config.db.dialect.has_table(conn, "test_table_s")) is_false(config.db.dialect.has_table(conn, "nonexistent_table")) @testing.requires.schemas def test_has_table_schema(self): with config.db.begin() as conn: is_false( config.db.dialect.has_table( conn, "test_table", schema=config.test_schema ) ) is_true( config.db.dialect.has_table( conn, "test_table_s", schema=config.test_schema ) ) is_false( config.db.dialect.has_table( conn, "nonexistent_table", schema=config.test_schema ) ) class HasIndexTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): tt = Table( "test_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", String(50)), ) Index("my_idx", if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: tt = Table( "test_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", String(50)), schema=config.test_schema, ) Index("my_idx_s", def test_has_index(self): with config.db.begin() as conn: assert config.db.dialect.has_index(conn, "test_table", "my_idx") assert not config.db.dialect.has_index( conn, "test_table", "my_idx_s" ) assert not config.db.dialect.has_index( conn, "nonexistent_table", "my_idx" ) assert not config.db.dialect.has_index( conn, "test_table", "nonexistent_idx" ) @testing.requires.schemas def test_has_index_schema(self): with config.db.begin() as conn: assert config.db.dialect.has_index( conn, "test_table", "my_idx_s", schema=config.test_schema ) assert not config.db.dialect.has_index( conn, "test_table", "my_idx", schema=config.test_schema ) assert not config.db.dialect.has_index( conn, "nonexistent_table", "my_idx_s", schema=config.test_schema, ) assert not config.db.dialect.has_index( conn, "test_table", "nonexistent_idx_s", schema=config.test_schema, ) class QuotedNameArgumentTest(fixtures.TablesTest): run_create_tables = "once" __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "quote ' one", metadata, Column("id", Integer), Column("name", String(50)), Column("data", String(50)), Column("related_id", Integer), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("id", name="pk quote ' one"), sa.Index("ix quote ' one", "name"), sa.UniqueConstraint( "data", name="uq quote' one", ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint( ["id"], [""], name="fk quote ' one" ), sa.CheckConstraint("name != 'foo'", name="ck quote ' one"), comment=r"""quote ' one comment""", test_needs_fk=True, ) if testing.requires.symbol_names_w_double_quote.enabled: Table( 'quote " two', metadata, Column("id", Integer), Column("name", String(50)), Column("data", String(50)), Column("related_id", Integer), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("id", name='pk quote " two'), sa.Index('ix quote " two', "name"), sa.UniqueConstraint( "data", name='uq quote" two', ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint( ["id"], [""], name='fk quote " two' ), sa.CheckConstraint("name != 'foo'", name='ck quote " two '), comment=r"""quote " two comment""", test_needs_fk=True, ) Table( "related", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("related", Integer), test_needs_fk=True, ) if testing.requires.view_column_reflection.enabled: if testing.requires.symbol_names_w_double_quote.enabled: names = [ "quote ' one", 'quote " two', ] else: names = [ "quote ' one", ] for name in names: query = "CREATE VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %s" % ( config.db.dialect.identifier_preparer.quote( "view %s" % name ), config.db.dialect.identifier_preparer.quote(name), ) event.listen(metadata, "after_create", DDL(query)) event.listen( metadata, "before_drop", DDL( "DROP VIEW %s" % config.db.dialect.identifier_preparer.quote( "view %s" % name ) ), ) def quote_fixtures(fn): return testing.combinations( ("quote ' one",), ('quote " two', testing.requires.symbol_names_w_double_quote), )(fn) @quote_fixtures def test_get_table_options(self, name): insp = inspect(config.db) insp.get_table_options(name) @quote_fixtures @testing.requires.view_column_reflection def test_get_view_definition(self, name): insp = inspect(config.db) assert insp.get_view_definition("view %s" % name) @quote_fixtures def test_get_columns(self, name): insp = inspect(config.db) assert insp.get_columns(name) @quote_fixtures def test_get_pk_constraint(self, name): insp = inspect(config.db) assert insp.get_pk_constraint(name) @quote_fixtures def test_get_foreign_keys(self, name): insp = inspect(config.db) assert insp.get_foreign_keys(name) @quote_fixtures def test_get_indexes(self, name): insp = inspect(config.db) assert insp.get_indexes(name) @quote_fixtures @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection def test_get_unique_constraints(self, name): insp = inspect(config.db) assert insp.get_unique_constraints(name) @quote_fixtures @testing.requires.comment_reflection def test_get_table_comment(self, name): insp = inspect(config.db) assert insp.get_table_comment(name) @quote_fixtures @testing.requires.check_constraint_reflection def test_get_check_constraints(self, name): insp = inspect(config.db) assert insp.get_check_constraints(name) class ComponentReflectionTest(fixtures.TablesTest): run_inserts = run_deletes = None __backend__ = True @classmethod def setup_bind(cls): if config.requirements.independent_connections.enabled: from sqlalchemy import pool return engines.testing_engine( options=dict(poolclass=pool.StaticPool, scope="class"), ) else: return config.db @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): cls.define_reflected_tables(metadata, None) if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: cls.define_reflected_tables(metadata, testing.config.test_schema) @classmethod def define_reflected_tables(cls, metadata, schema): if schema: schema_prefix = schema + "." else: schema_prefix = "" if testing.requires.self_referential_foreign_keys.enabled: users = Table( "users", metadata, Column("user_id", sa.INT, primary_key=True), Column("test1", sa.CHAR(5), nullable=False), Column("test2", sa.Float(5), nullable=False), Column( "parent_user_id", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey( "%susers.user_id" % schema_prefix, name="user_id_fk" ), ), schema=schema, test_needs_fk=True, ) else: users = Table( "users", metadata, Column("user_id", sa.INT, primary_key=True), Column("test1", sa.CHAR(5), nullable=False), Column("test2", sa.Float(5), nullable=False), schema=schema, test_needs_fk=True, ) Table( "dingalings", metadata, Column("dingaling_id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), Column( "address_id", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey("%semail_addresses.address_id" % schema_prefix), ), Column("data", sa.String(30)), schema=schema, test_needs_fk=True, ) Table( "email_addresses", metadata, Column("address_id", sa.Integer), Column( "remote_user_id", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(users.c.user_id) ), Column("email_address", sa.String(20)), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("address_id", name="email_ad_pk"), schema=schema, test_needs_fk=True, ) Table( "comment_test", metadata, Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True, comment="id comment"), Column("data", sa.String(20), comment="data % comment"), Column( "d2", sa.String(20), comment=r"""Comment types type speedily ' " \ '' Fun!""", ), schema=schema, comment=r"""the test % ' " \ table comment""", ) if testing.requires.cross_schema_fk_reflection.enabled: if schema is None: Table( "local_table", metadata, Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", sa.String(20)), Column( "remote_id", ForeignKey( "" % testing.config.test_schema ), ), test_needs_fk=True, schema=config.db.dialect.default_schema_name, ) else: Table( "remote_table", metadata, Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), Column( "local_id", ForeignKey( "" % config.db.dialect.default_schema_name ), ), Column("data", sa.String(20)), schema=schema, test_needs_fk=True, ) Table( "remote_table_2", metadata, Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", sa.String(20)), schema=schema, test_needs_fk=True, ) if testing.requires.index_reflection.enabled: cls.define_index(metadata, users) if not schema: # test_needs_fk is at the moment to force MySQL InnoDB noncol_idx_test_nopk = Table( "noncol_idx_test_nopk", metadata, Column("q", sa.String(5)), test_needs_fk=True, ) noncol_idx_test_pk = Table( "noncol_idx_test_pk", metadata, Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), Column("q", sa.String(5)), test_needs_fk=True, ) if testing.requires.indexes_with_ascdesc.enabled: Index("noncol_idx_nopk", noncol_idx_test_nopk.c.q.desc()) Index("noncol_idx_pk", noncol_idx_test_pk.c.q.desc()) if testing.requires.view_column_reflection.enabled: cls.define_views(metadata, schema) if not schema and testing.requires.temp_table_reflection.enabled: cls.define_temp_tables(metadata) @classmethod def define_temp_tables(cls, metadata): kw = temp_table_keyword_args(config, config.db) table_name = get_temp_table_name( config, config.db, "user_tmp_%s" % config.ident ) user_tmp = Table( table_name, metadata, Column("id", sa.INT, primary_key=True), Column("name", sa.VARCHAR(50)), Column("foo", sa.INT), # disambiguate temp table unique constraint names. this is # pretty arbitrary for a generic dialect however we are doing # it to suit SQL Server which will produce name conflicts for # unique constraints created against temp tables in different # databases. # sa.UniqueConstraint("name", name="user_tmp_uq_%s" % config.ident), sa.Index("user_tmp_ix", "foo"), **kw ) if ( testing.requires.view_reflection.enabled and testing.requires.temporary_views.enabled ): event.listen( user_tmp, "after_create", DDL( "create temporary view user_tmp_v as " "select * from user_tmp_%s" % config.ident ), ) event.listen(user_tmp, "before_drop", DDL("drop view user_tmp_v")) @classmethod def define_index(cls, metadata, users): Index("users_t_idx", users.c.test1, users.c.test2) Index("users_all_idx", users.c.user_id, users.c.test2, users.c.test1) @classmethod def define_views(cls, metadata, schema): for table_name in ("users", "email_addresses"): fullname = table_name if schema: fullname = "%s.%s" % (schema, table_name) view_name = fullname + "_v" query = "CREATE VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %s" % ( view_name, fullname, ) event.listen(metadata, "after_create", DDL(query)) event.listen( metadata, "before_drop", DDL("DROP VIEW %s" % view_name) ) @testing.requires.schema_reflection def test_get_schema_names(self): insp = inspect(self.bind) self.assert_(testing.config.test_schema in insp.get_schema_names()) @testing.requires.schema_reflection def test_dialect_initialize(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() inspect(engine) assert hasattr(engine.dialect, "default_schema_name") @testing.requires.schema_reflection def test_get_default_schema_name(self): insp = inspect(self.bind) eq_(insp.default_schema_name, self.bind.dialect.default_schema_name) @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection @testing.combinations( (None, True, False, False), (None, True, False, True, testing.requires.schemas), ("foreign_key", True, False, False), (None, False, True, False), (None, False, True, True, testing.requires.schemas), (None, True, True, False), (None, True, True, True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="order_by,include_plain,include_views,use_schema", ) def test_get_table_names( self, connection, order_by, include_plain, include_views, use_schema ): if use_schema: schema = config.test_schema else: schema = None _ignore_tables = [ "comment_test", "noncol_idx_test_pk", "noncol_idx_test_nopk", "local_table", "remote_table", "remote_table_2", ] insp = inspect(connection) if include_views: table_names = insp.get_view_names(schema) table_names.sort() answer = ["email_addresses_v", "users_v"] eq_(sorted(table_names), answer) if include_plain: if order_by: tables = [ rec[0] for rec in insp.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(schema) if rec[0] ] else: tables = insp.get_table_names(schema) table_names = [t for t in tables if t not in _ignore_tables] if order_by == "foreign_key": answer = ["users", "email_addresses", "dingalings"] eq_(table_names, answer) else: answer = ["dingalings", "email_addresses", "users"] eq_(sorted(table_names), answer) @testing.requires.temp_table_names def test_get_temp_table_names(self): insp = inspect(self.bind) temp_table_names = insp.get_temp_table_names() eq_(sorted(temp_table_names), ["user_tmp_%s" % config.ident]) @testing.requires.view_reflection @testing.requires.temp_table_names @testing.requires.temporary_views def test_get_temp_view_names(self): insp = inspect(self.bind) temp_table_names = insp.get_temp_view_names() eq_(sorted(temp_table_names), ["user_tmp_v"]) @testing.requires.comment_reflection def test_get_comments(self): self._test_get_comments() @testing.requires.comment_reflection @testing.requires.schemas def test_get_comments_with_schema(self): self._test_get_comments(testing.config.test_schema) def _test_get_comments(self, schema=None): insp = inspect(self.bind) eq_( insp.get_table_comment("comment_test", schema=schema), {"text": r"""the test % ' " \ table comment"""}, ) eq_(insp.get_table_comment("users", schema=schema), {"text": None}) eq_( [ {"name": rec["name"], "comment": rec["comment"]} for rec in insp.get_columns("comment_test", schema=schema) ], [ {"comment": "id comment", "name": "id"}, {"comment": "data % comment", "name": "data"}, { "comment": ( r"""Comment types type speedily ' " \ '' Fun!""" ), "name": "d2", }, ], ) @testing.combinations( (False, False), (False, True, testing.requires.schemas), (True, False, testing.requires.view_reflection), ( True, True, testing.requires.schemas + testing.requires.view_reflection, ), argnames="use_views,use_schema", ) def test_get_columns(self, connection, use_views, use_schema): if use_schema: schema = config.test_schema else: schema = None users, addresses = (self.tables.users, self.tables.email_addresses) if use_views: table_names = ["users_v", "email_addresses_v"] else: table_names = ["users", "email_addresses"] insp = inspect(connection) for table_name, table in zip(table_names, (users, addresses)): schema_name = schema cols = insp.get_columns(table_name, schema=schema_name) self.assert_(len(cols) > 0, len(cols)) # should be in order for i, col in enumerate(table.columns): eq_(, cols[i]["name"]) ctype = cols[i]["type"].__class__ ctype_def = col.type if isinstance(ctype_def, sa.types.TypeEngine): ctype_def = ctype_def.__class__ # Oracle returns Date for DateTime. if testing.against("oracle") and ctype_def in ( sql_types.Date, sql_types.DateTime, ): ctype_def = sql_types.Date # assert that the desired type and return type share # a base within one of the generic types. self.assert_( len( set(ctype.__mro__) .intersection(ctype_def.__mro__) .intersection( [ sql_types.Integer, sql_types.Numeric, sql_types.DateTime, sql_types.Date, sql_types.Time, sql_types.String, sql_types._Binary, ] ) ) > 0, "%s(%s), %s(%s)" % (, col.type, cols[i]["name"], ctype), ) if not col.primary_key: assert cols[i]["default"] is None @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection def test_get_temp_table_columns(self): table_name = get_temp_table_name( config, self.bind, "user_tmp_%s" % config.ident ) user_tmp = self.tables[table_name] insp = inspect(self.bind) cols = insp.get_columns(table_name) self.assert_(len(cols) > 0, len(cols)) for i, col in enumerate(user_tmp.columns): eq_(, cols[i]["name"]) @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection @testing.requires.view_column_reflection @testing.requires.temporary_views def test_get_temp_view_columns(self): insp = inspect(self.bind) cols = insp.get_columns("user_tmp_v") eq_([col["name"] for col in cols], ["id", "name", "foo"]) @testing.combinations( (False,), (True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="use_schema" ) @testing.requires.primary_key_constraint_reflection def test_get_pk_constraint(self, connection, use_schema): if use_schema: schema = testing.config.test_schema else: schema = None users, addresses = self.tables.users, self.tables.email_addresses insp = inspect(connection) users_cons = insp.get_pk_constraint(, schema=schema) users_pkeys = users_cons["constrained_columns"] eq_(users_pkeys, ["user_id"]) addr_cons = insp.get_pk_constraint(, schema=schema) addr_pkeys = addr_cons["constrained_columns"] eq_(addr_pkeys, ["address_id"]) with testing.requires.reflects_pk_names.fail_if(): eq_(addr_cons["name"], "email_ad_pk") @testing.combinations( (False,), (True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="use_schema" ) @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection def test_get_foreign_keys(self, connection, use_schema): if use_schema: schema = config.test_schema else: schema = None users, addresses = (self.tables.users, self.tables.email_addresses) insp = inspect(connection) expected_schema = schema # users if testing.requires.self_referential_foreign_keys.enabled: users_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(, schema=schema) fkey1 = users_fkeys[0] with testing.requires.named_constraints.fail_if(): eq_(fkey1["name"], "user_id_fk") eq_(fkey1["referred_schema"], expected_schema) eq_(fkey1["referred_table"], eq_(fkey1["referred_columns"], ["user_id"]) if testing.requires.self_referential_foreign_keys.enabled: eq_(fkey1["constrained_columns"], ["parent_user_id"]) # addresses addr_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(, schema=schema) fkey1 = addr_fkeys[0] with testing.requires.implicitly_named_constraints.fail_if(): self.assert_(fkey1["name"] is not None) eq_(fkey1["referred_schema"], expected_schema) eq_(fkey1["referred_table"], eq_(fkey1["referred_columns"], ["user_id"]) eq_(fkey1["constrained_columns"], ["remote_user_id"]) @testing.requires.cross_schema_fk_reflection @testing.requires.schemas def test_get_inter_schema_foreign_keys(self): local_table, remote_table, remote_table_2 = self.tables( "%s.local_table" % self.bind.dialect.default_schema_name, "%s.remote_table" % testing.config.test_schema, "%s.remote_table_2" % testing.config.test_schema, ) insp = inspect(self.bind) local_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys( eq_(len(local_fkeys), 1) fkey1 = local_fkeys[0] eq_(fkey1["referred_schema"], testing.config.test_schema) eq_(fkey1["referred_table"], eq_(fkey1["referred_columns"], ["id"]) eq_(fkey1["constrained_columns"], ["remote_id"]) remote_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(, schema=testing.config.test_schema ) eq_(len(remote_fkeys), 1) fkey2 = remote_fkeys[0] assert fkey2["referred_schema"] in ( None, self.bind.dialect.default_schema_name, ) eq_(fkey2["referred_table"], eq_(fkey2["referred_columns"], ["id"]) eq_(fkey2["constrained_columns"], ["local_id"]) def _assert_insp_indexes(self, indexes, expected_indexes): index_names = [d["name"] for d in indexes] for e_index in expected_indexes: assert e_index["name"] in index_names index = indexes[index_names.index(e_index["name"])] for key in e_index: eq_(e_index[key], index[key]) @testing.combinations( (False,), (True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="use_schema" ) def test_get_indexes(self, connection, use_schema): if use_schema: schema = config.test_schema else: schema = None # The database may decide to create indexes for foreign keys, etc. # so there may be more indexes than expected. insp = inspect(self.bind) indexes = insp.get_indexes("users", schema=schema) expected_indexes = [ { "unique": False, "column_names": ["test1", "test2"], "name": "users_t_idx", }, { "unique": False, "column_names": ["user_id", "test2", "test1"], "name": "users_all_idx", }, ] self._assert_insp_indexes(indexes, expected_indexes) @testing.combinations( ("noncol_idx_test_nopk", "noncol_idx_nopk"), ("noncol_idx_test_pk", "noncol_idx_pk"), argnames="tname,ixname", ) @testing.requires.index_reflection @testing.requires.indexes_with_ascdesc def test_get_noncol_index(self, connection, tname, ixname): insp = inspect(connection) indexes = insp.get_indexes(tname) # reflecting an index that has "x DESC" in it as the column. # the DB may or may not give us "x", but make sure we get the index # back, it has a name, it's connected to the table. expected_indexes = [{"unique": False, "name": ixname}] self._assert_insp_indexes(indexes, expected_indexes) t = Table(tname, MetaData(), autoload_with=connection) eq_(len(t.indexes), 1) is_(list(t.indexes)[0].table, t) eq_(list(t.indexes)[0].name, ixname) @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection def test_get_temp_table_unique_constraints(self): insp = inspect(self.bind) reflected = insp.get_unique_constraints("user_tmp_%s" % config.ident) for refl in reflected: # Different dialects handle duplicate index and constraints # differently, so ignore this flag refl.pop("duplicates_index", None) eq_( reflected, [ { "column_names": ["name"], "name": "user_tmp_uq_%s" % config.ident, } ], ) @testing.requires.temp_table_reflect_indexes def test_get_temp_table_indexes(self): insp = inspect(self.bind) table_name = get_temp_table_name( config, config.db, "user_tmp_%s" % config.ident ) indexes = insp.get_indexes(table_name) for ind in indexes: ind.pop("dialect_options", None) expected = [ {"unique": False, "column_names": ["foo"], "name": "user_tmp_ix"} ] if testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns.enabled: expected[0]["include_columns"] = [] eq_( [idx for idx in indexes if idx["name"] == "user_tmp_ix"], expected, ) @testing.combinations( (True, testing.requires.schemas), (False,), argnames="use_schema" ) @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection def test_get_unique_constraints(self, metadata, connection, use_schema): # SQLite dialect needs to parse the names of the constraints # separately from what it gets from PRAGMA index_list(), and # then matches them up. so same set of column_names in two # constraints will confuse it. Perhaps we should no longer # bother with index_list() here since we have the whole # CREATE TABLE? if use_schema: schema = config.test_schema else: schema = None uniques = sorted( [ {"name": "unique_a", "column_names": ["a"]}, {"name": "unique_a_b_c", "column_names": ["a", "b", "c"]}, {"name": "unique_c_a_b", "column_names": ["c", "a", "b"]}, {"name": "unique_asc_key", "column_names": ["asc", "key"]}, {"name": "i.have.dots", "column_names": ["b"]}, {"name": "i have spaces", "column_names": ["c"]}, ], key=operator.itemgetter("name"), ) table = Table( "testtbl", metadata, Column("a", sa.String(20)), Column("b", sa.String(30)), Column("c", sa.Integer), # reserved identifiers Column("asc", sa.String(30)), Column("key", sa.String(30)), schema=schema, ) for uc in uniques: table.append_constraint( sa.UniqueConstraint(*uc["column_names"], name=uc["name"]) ) table.create(connection) inspector = inspect(connection) reflected = sorted( inspector.get_unique_constraints("testtbl", schema=schema), key=operator.itemgetter("name"), ) names_that_duplicate_index = set() for orig, refl in zip(uniques, reflected): # Different dialects handle duplicate index and constraints # differently, so ignore this flag dupe = refl.pop("duplicates_index", None) if dupe: names_that_duplicate_index.add(dupe) eq_(orig, refl) reflected_metadata = MetaData() reflected = Table( "testtbl", reflected_metadata, autoload_with=connection, schema=schema, ) # test "deduplicates for index" logic. MySQL and Oracle # "unique constraints" are actually unique indexes (with possible # exception of a unique that is a dupe of another one in the case # of Oracle). make sure # they aren't duplicated. idx_names = set([ for idx in reflected.indexes]) uq_names = set( [ for uq in reflected.constraints if isinstance(uq, sa.UniqueConstraint) ] ).difference(["unique_c_a_b"]) assert not idx_names.intersection(uq_names) if names_that_duplicate_index: eq_(names_that_duplicate_index, idx_names) eq_(uq_names, set()) @testing.requires.view_reflection @testing.combinations( (False,), (True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="use_schema" ) def test_get_view_definition(self, connection, use_schema): if use_schema: schema = config.test_schema else: schema = None view_name1 = "users_v" view_name2 = "email_addresses_v" insp = inspect(connection) v1 = insp.get_view_definition(view_name1, schema=schema) self.assert_(v1) v2 = insp.get_view_definition(view_name2, schema=schema) self.assert_(v2) # why is this here if it's PG specific ? @testing.combinations( ("users", False), ("users", True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="table_name,use_schema", ) @testing.only_on("postgresql", "PG specific feature") def test_get_table_oid(self, connection, table_name, use_schema): if use_schema: schema = config.test_schema else: schema = None insp = inspect(connection) oid = insp.get_table_oid(table_name, schema) self.assert_(isinstance(oid, int)) @testing.requires.table_reflection def test_autoincrement_col(self): """test that 'autoincrement' is reflected according to sqla's policy. Don't mark this test as unsupported for any backend ! (technically it fails with MySQL InnoDB since "id" comes before "id2") A backend is better off not returning "autoincrement" at all, instead of potentially returning "False" for an auto-incrementing primary key column. """ insp = inspect(self.bind) for tname, cname in [ ("users", "user_id"), ("email_addresses", "address_id"), ("dingalings", "dingaling_id"), ]: cols = insp.get_columns(tname) id_ = {c["name"]: c for c in cols}[cname] assert id_.get("autoincrement", True) class ComponentReflectionTestExtra(fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True @testing.combinations( (True, testing.requires.schemas), (False,), argnames="use_schema" ) @testing.requires.check_constraint_reflection def test_get_check_constraints(self, metadata, connection, use_schema): if use_schema: schema = config.test_schema else: schema = None Table( "sa_cc", metadata, Column("a", Integer()), sa.CheckConstraint("a > 1 AND a < 5", name="cc1"), sa.CheckConstraint("a = 1 OR (a > 2 AND a < 5)", name="cc2"), schema=schema, ) metadata.create_all(connection) inspector = inspect(connection) reflected = sorted( inspector.get_check_constraints("sa_cc", schema=schema), key=operator.itemgetter("name"), ) # trying to minimize effect of quoting, parenthesis, etc. # may need to add more to this as new dialects get CHECK # constraint reflection support def normalize(sqltext): return " ".join( re.findall(r"and|\d|=|a|or|<|>", sqltext.lower(), re.I) ) reflected = [ {"name": item["name"], "sqltext": normalize(item["sqltext"])} for item in reflected ] eq_( reflected, [ {"name": "cc1", "sqltext": "a > 1 and a < 5"}, {"name": "cc2", "sqltext": "a = 1 or a > 2 and a < 5"}, ], ) @testing.requires.indexes_with_expressions def test_reflect_expression_based_indexes(self, metadata, connection): t = Table( "t", metadata, Column("x", String(30)), Column("y", String(30)), ) Index("t_idx", func.lower(t.c.x), func.lower(t.c.y)) Index("t_idx_2", t.c.x) metadata.create_all(connection) insp = inspect(connection) expected = [ {"name": "t_idx_2", "column_names": ["x"], "unique": False} ] if testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns.enabled: expected[0]["include_columns"] = [] with expect_warnings( "Skipped unsupported reflection of expression-based index t_idx" ): eq_( insp.get_indexes("t"), expected, ) @testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns def test_reflect_covering_index(self, metadata, connection): t = Table( "t", metadata, Column("x", String(30)), Column("y", String(30)), ) idx = Index("t_idx", t.c.x) idx.dialect_options[]["include"] = ["y"] metadata.create_all(connection) insp = inspect(connection) eq_( insp.get_indexes("t"), [ { "name": "t_idx", "column_names": ["x"], "include_columns": ["y"], "unique": False, } ], ) def _type_round_trip(self, connection, metadata, *types): t = Table( "t", metadata, *[Column("t%d" % i, type_) for i, type_ in enumerate(types)] ) t.create(connection) return [c["type"] for c in inspect(connection).get_columns("t")] @testing.requires.table_reflection def test_numeric_reflection(self, connection, metadata): for typ in self._type_round_trip( connection, metadata, sql_types.Numeric(18, 5) ): assert isinstance(typ, sql_types.Numeric) eq_(typ.precision, 18) eq_(typ.scale, 5) @testing.requires.table_reflection def test_varchar_reflection(self, connection, metadata): typ = self._type_round_trip( connection, metadata, sql_types.String(52) )[0] assert isinstance(typ, sql_types.String) eq_(typ.length, 52) @testing.requires.table_reflection def test_nullable_reflection(self, connection, metadata): t = Table( "t", metadata, Column("a", Integer, nullable=True), Column("b", Integer, nullable=False), ) t.create(connection) eq_( dict( (col["name"], col["nullable"]) for col in inspect(connection).get_columns("t") ), {"a": True, "b": False}, ) @testing.combinations( ( None, "CASCADE", None, testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_ondelete, ), ( None, None, "SET NULL", testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_onupdate, ), ( {}, None, "NO ACTION", testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_onupdate, ), ( {}, "NO ACTION", None, testing.requires.fk_constraint_option_reflection_ondelete_noaction, ), ( None, None, "RESTRICT", testing.requires.fk_constraint_option_reflection_onupdate_restrict, ), ( None, "RESTRICT", None, testing.requires.fk_constraint_option_reflection_ondelete_restrict, ), argnames="expected,ondelete,onupdate", ) def test_get_foreign_key_options( self, connection, metadata, expected, ondelete, onupdate ): options = {} if ondelete: options["ondelete"] = ondelete if onupdate: options["onupdate"] = onupdate if expected is None: expected = options Table( "x", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), test_needs_fk=True, ) Table( "table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x_id", Integer, sa.ForeignKey("", name="xid")), Column("test", String(10)), test_needs_fk=True, ) Table( "user", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("name", String(50), nullable=False), Column("tid", Integer), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint( ["tid"], [""], name="myfk", **options ), test_needs_fk=True, ) metadata.create_all(connection) insp = inspect(connection) # test 'options' is always present for a backend # that can reflect these, since alembic looks for this opts = insp.get_foreign_keys("table")[0]["options"] eq_(dict((k, opts[k]) for k in opts if opts[k]), {}) opts = insp.get_foreign_keys("user")[0]["options"] eq_(opts, expected) # eq_(dict((k, opts[k]) for k in opts if opts[k]), expected) class NormalizedNameTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("denormalized_names",) __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( quoted_name("t1", quote=True), metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), ) Table( quoted_name("t2", quote=True), metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("t1id", ForeignKey("")), ) def test_reflect_lowercase_forced_tables(self): m2 = MetaData() t2_ref = Table( quoted_name("t2", quote=True), m2, autoload_with=config.db ) t1_ref = m2.tables["t1"] assert t2_ref.c.t1id.references( m3 = MetaData() m3.reflect( config.db, only=lambda name, m: name.lower() in ("t1", "t2") ) assert m3.tables["t2"].c.t1id.references(m3.tables["t1"] def test_get_table_names(self): tablenames = [ t for t in inspect(config.db).get_table_names() if t.lower() in ("t1", "t2") ] eq_(tablenames[0].upper(), tablenames[0].lower()) eq_(tablenames[1].upper(), tablenames[1].lower()) class ComputedReflectionTest(fixtures.ComputedReflectionFixtureTest): def test_computed_col_default_not_set(self): insp = inspect(config.db) cols = insp.get_columns("computed_default_table") col_data = {c["name"]: c for c in cols} is_true("42" in col_data["with_default"]["default"]) is_(col_data["normal"]["default"], None) is_(col_data["computed_col"]["default"], None) def test_get_column_returns_computed(self): insp = inspect(config.db) cols = insp.get_columns("computed_default_table") data = {c["name"]: c for c in cols} for key in ("id", "normal", "with_default"): is_true("computed" not in data[key]) compData = data["computed_col"] is_true("computed" in compData) is_true("sqltext" in compData["computed"]) eq_(self.normalize(compData["computed"]["sqltext"]), "normal+42") eq_( "persisted" in compData["computed"], testing.requires.computed_columns_reflect_persisted.enabled, ) if testing.requires.computed_columns_reflect_persisted.enabled: eq_( compData["computed"]["persisted"], testing.requires.computed_columns_default_persisted.enabled, ) def check_column(self, data, column, sqltext, persisted): is_true("computed" in data[column]) compData = data[column]["computed"] eq_(self.normalize(compData["sqltext"]), sqltext) if testing.requires.computed_columns_reflect_persisted.enabled: is_true("persisted" in compData) is_(compData["persisted"], persisted) def test_get_column_returns_persisted(self): insp = inspect(config.db) cols = insp.get_columns("computed_column_table") data = {c["name"]: c for c in cols} self.check_column( data, "computed_no_flag", "normal+42", testing.requires.computed_columns_default_persisted.enabled, ) if testing.requires.computed_columns_virtual.enabled: self.check_column( data, "computed_virtual", "normal+2", False, ) if testing.requires.computed_columns_stored.enabled: self.check_column( data, "computed_stored", "normal-42", True, ) @testing.requires.schemas def test_get_column_returns_persisted_with_schema(self): insp = inspect(config.db) cols = insp.get_columns( "computed_column_table", schema=config.test_schema ) data = {c["name"]: c for c in cols} self.check_column( data, "computed_no_flag", "normal/42", testing.requires.computed_columns_default_persisted.enabled, ) if testing.requires.computed_columns_virtual.enabled: self.check_column( data, "computed_virtual", "normal/2", False, ) if testing.requires.computed_columns_stored.enabled: self.check_column( data, "computed_stored", "normal*42", True, ) class IdentityReflectionTest(fixtures.TablesTest): run_inserts = run_deletes = None __backend__ = True __requires__ = ("identity_columns", "table_reflection") @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "t1", metadata, Column("normal", Integer), Column("id1", Integer, Identity()), ) Table( "t2", metadata, Column( "id2", Integer, Identity( always=True, start=2, increment=3, minvalue=-2, maxvalue=42, cycle=True, cache=4, ), ), ) if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: Table( "t1", metadata, Column("normal", Integer), Column("id1", Integer, Identity(always=True, start=20)), schema=config.test_schema, ) def check(self, value, exp, approx): if testing.requires.identity_columns_standard.enabled: common_keys = ( "always", "start", "increment", "minvalue", "maxvalue", "cycle", "cache", ) for k in list(value): if k not in common_keys: value.pop(k) if approx: eq_(len(value), len(exp)) for k in value: if k == "minvalue": is_true(value[k] <= exp[k]) elif k in {"maxvalue", "cache"}: is_true(value[k] >= exp[k]) else: eq_(value[k], exp[k], k) else: eq_(value, exp) else: eq_(value["start"], exp["start"]) eq_(value["increment"], exp["increment"]) def test_reflect_identity(self): insp = inspect(config.db) cols = insp.get_columns("t1") + insp.get_columns("t2") for col in cols: if col["name"] == "normal": is_false("identity" in col) elif col["name"] == "id1": is_true(col["autoincrement"] in (True, "auto")) eq_(col["default"], None) is_true("identity" in col) self.check( col["identity"], dict( always=False, start=1, increment=1, minvalue=1, maxvalue=2147483647, cycle=False, cache=1, ), approx=True, ) elif col["name"] == "id2": is_true(col["autoincrement"] in (True, "auto")) eq_(col["default"], None) is_true("identity" in col) self.check( col["identity"], dict( always=True, start=2, increment=3, minvalue=-2, maxvalue=42, cycle=True, cache=4, ), approx=False, ) @testing.requires.schemas def test_reflect_identity_schema(self): insp = inspect(config.db) cols = insp.get_columns("t1", schema=config.test_schema) for col in cols: if col["name"] == "normal": is_false("identity" in col) elif col["name"] == "id1": is_true(col["autoincrement"] in (True, "auto")) eq_(col["default"], None) is_true("identity" in col) self.check( col["identity"], dict( always=True, start=20, increment=1, minvalue=1, maxvalue=2147483647, cycle=False, cache=1, ), approx=True, ) class CompositeKeyReflectionTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): tb1 = Table( "tb1", metadata, Column("id", Integer), Column("attr", Integer), Column("name", sql_types.VARCHAR(20)), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("name", "id", "attr", name="pk_tb1"), schema=None, test_needs_fk=True, ) Table( "tb2", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("pid", Integer), Column("pattr", Integer), Column("pname", sql_types.VARCHAR(20)), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint( ["pname", "pid", "pattr"], [,, tb1.c.attr], name="fk_tb1_name_id_attr", ), schema=None, test_needs_fk=True, ) @testing.requires.primary_key_constraint_reflection def test_pk_column_order(self): # test for issue #5661 insp = inspect(self.bind) primary_key = insp.get_pk_constraint( eq_(primary_key.get("constrained_columns"), ["name", "id", "attr"]) @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection def test_fk_column_order(self): # test for issue #5661 insp = inspect(self.bind) foreign_keys = insp.get_foreign_keys( eq_(len(foreign_keys), 1) fkey1 = foreign_keys[0] eq_(fkey1.get("referred_columns"), ["name", "id", "attr"]) eq_(fkey1.get("constrained_columns"), ["pname", "pid", "pattr"]) __all__ = ( "ComponentReflectionTest", "ComponentReflectionTestExtra", "QuotedNameArgumentTest", "HasTableTest", "HasIndexTest", "NormalizedNameTest", "ComputedReflectionTest", "IdentityReflectionTest", "CompositeKeyReflectionTest", )