# util/deprecations.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2021 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """Helpers related to deprecation of functions, methods, classes, other functionality.""" import os import re from . import compat from .langhelpers import _hash_limit_string from .langhelpers import _warnings_warn from .langhelpers import decorator from .langhelpers import inject_docstring_text from .langhelpers import inject_param_text from .. import exc SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20 = False if os.getenv("SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20", "false").lower() in ("true", "yes", "1"): SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20 = True def _warn_with_version(msg, version, type_, stacklevel, code=None): if issubclass(type_, exc.RemovedIn20Warning) and not SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20: return warn = type_(msg, code=code) warn.deprecated_since = version _warnings_warn(warn, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1) def warn_deprecated(msg, version, stacklevel=3, code=None): _warn_with_version( msg, version, exc.SADeprecationWarning, stacklevel, code=code ) def warn_deprecated_limited(msg, args, version, stacklevel=3, code=None): """Issue a deprecation warning with a parameterized string, limiting the number of registrations. """ if args: msg = _hash_limit_string(msg, 10, args) _warn_with_version( msg, version, exc.SADeprecationWarning, stacklevel, code=code ) def warn_deprecated_20(msg, stacklevel=3, code=None): _warn_with_version( msg, exc.RemovedIn20Warning.deprecated_since, exc.RemovedIn20Warning, stacklevel, code=code, ) def deprecated_cls(version, message, constructor="__init__"): header = ".. deprecated:: %s %s" % (version, (message or "")) def decorate(cls): return _decorate_cls_with_warning( cls, constructor, exc.SADeprecationWarning, message % dict(func=constructor), version, header, ) return decorate def deprecated_20_cls( clsname, alternative=None, constructor="__init__", becomes_legacy=False ): message = ( ".. deprecated:: 1.4 The %s class is considered legacy as of the " "1.x series of SQLAlchemy and %s in 2.0." % ( clsname, "will be removed" if not becomes_legacy else "becomes a legacy construct", ) ) if alternative: message += " " + alternative def decorate(cls): return _decorate_cls_with_warning( cls, constructor, exc.RemovedIn20Warning, message, exc.RemovedIn20Warning.deprecated_since, message, ) return decorate def deprecated( version, message=None, add_deprecation_to_docstring=True, warning=None, enable_warnings=True, ): """Decorates a function and issues a deprecation warning on use. :param version: Issue version in the warning. :param message: If provided, issue message in the warning. A sensible default is used if not provided. :param add_deprecation_to_docstring: Default True. If False, the wrapped function's __doc__ is left as-is. If True, the 'message' is prepended to the docs if provided, or sensible default if message is omitted. """ # nothing is deprecated "since" 2.0 at this time. All "removed in 2.0" # should emit the RemovedIn20Warning, but messaging should be expressed # in terms of "deprecated since 1.4". if version == "2.0": if warning is None: warning = exc.RemovedIn20Warning version = "1.4" if add_deprecation_to_docstring: header = ".. deprecated:: %s %s" % ( version, (message or ""), ) else: header = None if message is None: message = "Call to deprecated function %(func)s" if warning is None: warning = exc.SADeprecationWarning if warning is not exc.RemovedIn20Warning: message += " (deprecated since: %s)" % version def decorate(fn): return _decorate_with_warning( fn, warning, message % dict(func=fn.__name__), version, header, enable_warnings=enable_warnings, ) return decorate def moved_20(message, **kw): return deprecated( "2.0", message=message, warning=exc.MovedIn20Warning, **kw ) def deprecated_20(api_name, alternative=None, becomes_legacy=False, **kw): type_reg = re.match("^:(attr|func|meth):", api_name) if type_reg: type_ = {"attr": "attribute", "func": "function", "meth": "method"}[ type_reg.group(1) ] else: type_ = "construct" message = ( "The %s %s is considered legacy as of the " "1.x series of SQLAlchemy and %s in 2.0." % ( api_name, type_, "will be removed" if not becomes_legacy else "becomes a legacy construct", ) ) if ":attr:" in api_name: attribute_ok = kw.pop("warn_on_attribute_access", False) if not attribute_ok: assert kw.get("enable_warnings") is False, ( "attribute %s will emit a warning on read access. " "If you *really* want this, " "add warn_on_attribute_access=True. Otherwise please add " "enable_warnings=False." % api_name ) if alternative: message += " " + alternative return deprecated( "2.0", message=message, warning=exc.RemovedIn20Warning, **kw ) def deprecated_params(**specs): """Decorates a function to warn on use of certain parameters. e.g. :: @deprecated_params( weak_identity_map=( "0.7", "the :paramref:`.Session.weak_identity_map parameter " "is deprecated." ) ) """ messages = {} versions = {} version_warnings = {} for param, (version, message) in specs.items(): versions[param] = version messages[param] = _sanitize_restructured_text(message) version_warnings[param] = ( exc.RemovedIn20Warning if version == "2.0" else exc.SADeprecationWarning ) def decorate(fn): spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) if spec.defaults is not None: defaults = dict( zip( spec.args[(len(spec.args) - len(spec.defaults)) :], spec.defaults, ) ) check_defaults = set(defaults).intersection(messages) check_kw = set(messages).difference(defaults) else: check_defaults = () check_kw = set(messages) check_any_kw = spec.varkw @decorator def warned(fn, *args, **kwargs): for m in check_defaults: if (defaults[m] is None and kwargs[m] is not None) or ( defaults[m] is not None and kwargs[m] != defaults[m] ): _warn_with_version( messages[m], versions[m], version_warnings[m], stacklevel=3, ) if check_any_kw in messages and set(kwargs).difference( check_defaults ): _warn_with_version( messages[check_any_kw], versions[check_any_kw], version_warnings[check_any_kw], stacklevel=3, ) for m in check_kw: if m in kwargs: _warn_with_version( messages[m], versions[m], version_warnings[m], stacklevel=3, ) return fn(*args, **kwargs) doc = fn.__doc__ is not None and fn.__doc__ or "" if doc: doc = inject_param_text( doc, { param: ".. deprecated:: %s %s" % ("1.4" if version == "2.0" else version, (message or "")) for param, (version, message) in specs.items() }, ) decorated = warned(fn) decorated.__doc__ = doc return decorated return decorate def _sanitize_restructured_text(text): def repl(m): type_, name = m.group(1, 2) if type_ in ("func", "meth"): name += "()" return name text = re.sub(r":ref:`(.+) <.*>`", lambda m: '"%s"' % m.group(1), text) return re.sub(r"\:(\w+)\:`~?(?:_\w+)?\.?(.+?)`", repl, text) def _decorate_cls_with_warning( cls, constructor, wtype, message, version, docstring_header=None ): doc = cls.__doc__ is not None and cls.__doc__ or "" if docstring_header is not None: if constructor is not None: docstring_header %= dict(func=constructor) if issubclass(wtype, exc.RemovedIn20Warning): docstring_header += ( " (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at: " ":ref:`migration_20_toplevel`)" ) doc = inject_docstring_text(doc, docstring_header, 1) if type(cls) is type: clsdict = dict(cls.__dict__) clsdict["__doc__"] = doc clsdict.pop("__dict__", None) cls = type(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, clsdict) if constructor is not None: constructor_fn = clsdict[constructor] else: cls.__doc__ = doc if constructor is not None: constructor_fn = getattr(cls, constructor) if constructor is not None: setattr( cls, constructor, _decorate_with_warning( constructor_fn, wtype, message, version, None ), ) return cls def _decorate_with_warning( func, wtype, message, version, docstring_header=None, enable_warnings=True ): """Wrap a function with a warnings.warn and augmented docstring.""" message = _sanitize_restructured_text(message) if issubclass(wtype, exc.RemovedIn20Warning): doc_only = ( " (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at: " ":ref:`migration_20_toplevel`)" ) else: doc_only = "" @decorator def warned(fn, *args, **kwargs): skip_warning = not enable_warnings or kwargs.pop( "_sa_skip_warning", False ) if not skip_warning: _warn_with_version(message, version, wtype, stacklevel=3) return fn(*args, **kwargs) doc = func.__doc__ is not None and func.__doc__ or "" if docstring_header is not None: docstring_header %= dict(func=func.__name__) docstring_header += doc_only doc = inject_docstring_text(doc, docstring_header, 1) decorated = warned(func) decorated.__doc__ = doc decorated._sa_warn = lambda: _warn_with_version( message, version, wtype, stacklevel=3 ) return decorated