U a@sddlZGdddZdS)Nc@seZdZUdZdZejeed<dZ ejeed<dZ ejeed<dZ ejeed<edddd Z ed d d Z ed d dZed ddZed ddZdS) UserAgentaRepresents a parsed user agent header value. The default implementation does no parsing, only the :attr:`string` attribute is set. A subclass may parse the string to set the common attributes or expose other information. Set :attr:`werkzeug.wrappers.Request.user_agent_class` to use a subclass. :param string: The header value to parse. .. versionadded:: 2.0 This replaces the previous ``useragents`` module, but does not provide a built-in parser. Nplatformbrowserversionlanguage)stringreturncCs ||_dSNr)selfrr TC:\Users\vtejo\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-unpacked-wheel-1tps7o9u\werkzeug\user_agent.py__init__ szUserAgent.__init__)rcCs"dt|jd|jd|jdS)N< />)type__name__rrr r r r __repr__$szUserAgent.__repr__cCs|jSr r rr r r __str__'szUserAgent.__str__cCs t|jSr )boolrrr r r __bool__*szUserAgent.__bool__cCs|jS)zConvert to a header value.r rr r r to_header-szUserAgent.to_header)r __module__ __qualname____doc__rtOptionalstr__annotations__rrrrrrrrrr r r r rs r)typingrrr r r r s