To use this makefile to compile your Java or JavaFX programs:
  1. create a file named 'makefile' in your project directory with the same content as this example starting from "makefile begins" (use cut and paste
    without source format.
  2. modify the CLASSES macro so that it has the names of your .java files;
  3. run 'make', and if all goes well, it should compile all of your java source files that need to be re-built.
# makefile begins
# define a variable for compiler flags (JFLAGS)
# define a variable for the compiler (JC)
# define a variable for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
# define a variable for de JVM options, in the case of JavaFX
# 	these are --module-path and --add-modules. For the first one, make sure
# 	to use the location where you have JavaFX lib directory.
# define a variable for a parameter. When you run make, you could use:
# make run FILE="Algo.csv" to overwrite its value in this file.

JC = javac
JVM= java 
JFX_OPTIONS = --module-path /Users/agustin/tools/javafx-sdk-17.0.2/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,

# Clear any default targets for building .class files from .java files; next, we
# provide our own target entry to do this in this makefile.
# make has a set of default targets for different suffixes (like .c.o) 
# Currently, clearing the default for .java.class is not necessary since 
# make does not have a definition for this target, but later versions of 
# make may, so it doesn't hurt to make sure that we clear any default 
# definitions for these

.SUFFIXES: .java .class

# Here is our target entry for creating .class files from .java files
# This is a target entry that uses the suffix rule syntax:
#		rule
#	DSTS (Dependency Suffix     Target Suffix)
# 'TS' is the suffix of the target file (ej. .class), 'DS' is the suffix of the dependency (ej. .java)
# file, and 'rule'  is the rule for building a target
# '$*' is a built-in macro that gets the basename of the current target 
# Remember that there must be a <tab> before the command line ('rule') 
# you may need to check that your editor is not replacing <tab> by spaces

	$(JC) $(JFLAGS) $(JFX_OPTIONS) $*.java

# CLASSES is a macro consisting of N words (one for each java source file)
# When a single line is too long, use \<return> to split lines that then will be
# considered as a single line. For example:
# NAME = Camilo \
# is understood as
# NAME = Camilo        Juan 

CLASSES = \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

# MAIN is a variable with the name of the file containing the main method

MAIN = GraphicAlarmTest

# the default make target entry
# for this example it is the target classes

default: classes

# Next line is a target dependency line
# This target entry uses Suffix Replacement within a macro: 
# $(macroname:string1=string2)
# In the words in the macro named 'macroname' replace 'string1' with 'string2' # Below we are replacing the suffix .java of all words in the macro CLASSES # with the .class suffix #
classes: $( # # Next two lines contain a target for running the program # Remember the tab in the second line. # $(JMV) y $(MAIN) are replaced by their values # run: $(MAIN).class $(JVM) $(JFX_OPTIONS) $(MAIN) $(FILE) # # this line is to remove all unneeded files from # the directory when we are finished executing(saves space) # and "cleans up" the directory of unneeded .class files # RM is a predefined macro in make (RM = rm -f) # clean: $(RM) *.class