import*; /* Matias -> Banco_Valpo -- delay -\ \ => Bank's DB (Britney) / Diego -> Banco_Vina --- delay --/ */ public class Deposit_SynchronizedMethod { public static void main (String argc[]) { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out, true); Account patricio = new Account (out, 1000); // One patricio DepositThread matias, tomas; // two independent deposits matias = new DepositThread (patricio, 1000, "Matias"); tomas = new DepositThread(patricio, 1000, "\t\t\t\tTomas"); // start the transactions matias.start(); tomas.start(); // wait for both transactions to finish try { matias.join(); tomas.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} // print the final balance out. println("***** Final Balance is " + patricio.getBalance()); } } class Account { PrintWriter out; int balanceInDB; // simulate balance kept remotely (Bank's DB) Account (PrintWriter out, int initialBalance) { this.out = out; balanceInDB = initialBalance; } synchronized void deposit (int amount, String name) { // enable to make it work // void deposit (int amount, String name) { //enable to see inconsistent result int balance; out. println(name + " trying to deposit " + amount); out. println(name + " getting balance..."); balance = getBalance(); out. println(name + " balance got is " + balance); balance+= amount; out. println(name + " setting balance..."); setBalance(balance); out. println(name + " new balance set to " + balanceInDB); } int getBalance() { try { // simulated delay in getting balance remotely Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} return balanceInDB; } void setBalance (int balance) { try { // simulate the delay in setting new balance remotely Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException e) {} balanceInDB = balance; } } class DepositThread extends Thread { Account account; int depositAmount; String message; DepositThread ( Account account, int amount, String message) { this.message = message; this.account = account; this.depositAmount = amount; } public void run () { account.deposit (depositAmount, message); } }