//: c08:controller:Controller.java // From 'Thinking in Java, 2nd ed.' by Bruce Eckel // www.BruceEckel.com. See copyright notice in CopyRight.txt. // Along with Event, the generic // framework for all control systems: package c08.controller; // This is just a way to hold Event objects. class EventSet { private Event[] events = new Event[100]; private int index = 0; private int next = 0; public void add(Event e) { if(index >= events.length) return; // (In real life, throw exception) events[index++] = e; } public Event getNext() { boolean looped = false; int start = next; do { next = (next + 1) % events.length; // See if it has looped to the beginning: if(start == next) looped = true; // If it loops past start, the list // is empty: if((next == (start + 1) % events.length) && looped) return null; } while(events[next] == null); return events[next]; } public void removeCurrent() { events[next] = null; } } public class Controller { private EventSet es = new EventSet(); public void addEvent(Event c) { es.add(c); } public void run() { Event e; while((e = es.getNext()) != null) { if(e.ready()) { e.action(); System.out.println(e.description()); es.removeCurrent(); } } } } ///:~