# Master makefile for Thinking in Java, 2nd Ed. by Bruce Eckel # at http://www.BruceEckel.com # Compiles all the code in the book # Using the JDK 1.2 compiler # Copyright notice in Copyright.txt help: @echo To compile all programs from @echo Thinking in Java, 2nd Edition, type @echo one of the following commands, @echo according to your platform: @echo make dos @echo make linux @echo @echo Make sure that this directory and '.' are @echo in your CLASSPATH before compiling dos: cd remotetime make cd .. cd .\appendixa make cd .. cd .\appendixb make cd .. cd .\bangbean make cd .. cd .\c02 make cd .. cd .\c03 make cd .. cd .\c04 make cd .. cd .\c05 make cd .. cd .\c05\dessert make cd .. cd .. cd .\c06 make cd .. cd .\c07 make cd .. cd .\c07\music make cd .. cd .. cd .\c07\music2 make cd .. cd .. cd .\c07\music3 make cd .. cd .. cd .\c07\music4 make cd .. cd .. cd .\c08 make cd .. cd .\c08\controller make cd .. cd .. cd .\c08\music5 make cd .. cd .. cd .\c09 make cd .. cd .\c10 make cd .. cd .\c11 make cd .. cd .\c11\xfiles make cd .. cd .. cd .\c12 make cd .. cd .\c13 make cd .. cd .\c14 make cd .. cd .\c15 make cd .. cd .\c15\corba make cd .. cd .. cd .\c15\ejb make cd .. cd .. cd .\c15\jdbc make cd .. cd .. cd .\c15\jsp make cd .. cd .. cd .\c15\rmi make cd .. cd .. cd .\c15\servlets make cd .. cd .. cd .\com\bruceeckel\simple make cd .. cd .. cd .. cd .\com\bruceeckel\swing make cd .. cd .. cd .. cd .\com\bruceeckel\tools make cd .. cd .. cd .. cd .\com\bruceeckel\tools\debug make cd .. cd .. cd .. cd .. cd .\com\bruceeckel\util make cd .. cd .. cd .. cd .\frogbean make cd .. jar cfm BangBean.jar BangBean.mf bangbean linux: cd remotetime; make cd appendixb; make linux cd appendixa; make cd bangbean; make cd c02; make cd c03; make cd c04; make cd c05; make cd c05/dessert; make cd c06; make cd c07; make cd c07/music; make cd c07/music2; make cd c07/music3; make cd c07/music4; make cd c08; make cd c08/controller; make cd c08/music5; make cd c09; make cd c10; make cd c11; make cd c11/xfiles; make cd c12; make cd c13; make cd c14; make cd c15; make cd c15/corba; make cd c15/ejb; make cd c15/jdbc; make cd c15/jsp; make cd c15/rmi; make cd c15/servlets; make cd com/bruceeckel/simple; make cd com/bruceeckel/swing; make cd com/bruceeckel/tools; make cd com/bruceeckel/tools/debug; make cd com/bruceeckel/util; make cd frogbean; make jar cfm BangBean.jar BangBean.mf bangbean