//: c16:Listmgr2.cpp // From Thinking in Java, 2nd Edition // Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com // (c) Bruce Eckel 1999 // Copyright notice in Copyright.txt // CGI version of Listmgr.c in C++, which // extracts its input via the GET submission // from the associated applet. Also works as // an ordinary CGI program with HTML forms. #include #include "CGITools.h" const char* dataFile = "list2.txt"; const char* notify = "Bruce@EckelObjects.com"; #undef DEBUG // Similar code as before, except that it looks // for the email name inside of '<>': int inList(FILE* list, const char* emailName) { const int BSIZE = 255; char lbuf[BSIZE]; char emname[BSIZE]; // Put the email name in '<>' so there's no // possibility of a match within another name: sprintf(emname, "<%s>", emailName); // Go to the beginning of the list: fseek(list, 0, SEEK_SET); // Read each line in the list: while(fgets(lbuf, BSIZE, list)) { // Strip off the newline: char * newline = strchr(lbuf, '\n'); if(newline != 0) *newline = '\0'; if(strstr(lbuf, emname) != 0) return 1; } return 0; } void main() { // You MUST print this out, otherwise the // server will not send the response: printf("Content-type: text/plain\n\n"); FILE* list = fopen(dataFile, "a+t"); if(list == 0) { printf("error: could not open database. "); printf("Notify %s", notify); return; } // For a CGI "GET," the server puts the data // in the environment variable QUERY_STRING: CGI_vector query(getenv("QUERY_STRING")); #if defined(DEBUG) // Test: dump all names and values for(int i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) { printf("query[%d].name() = [%s], ", i, query[i].name()); printf("query[%d].value() = [%s]\n", i, query[i].value()); } #endif(DEBUG) Pair name = query[0]; Pair email = query[1]; if(name.empty() || email.empty()) { printf("error: null name or email"); return; } if(inList(list, email.value())) { printf("Already in list: %s", email.value()); return; } // It's not in the list, add it: fseek(list, 0, SEEK_END); fprintf(list, "%s <%s>;\n", name.value(), email.value()); fflush(list); fclose(list); printf("%s <%s> added to list\n", name.value(), email.value()); } ///:~