//: c16:NameSender2.java // From Thinking in Java, 2nd Edition // Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com // (c) Bruce Eckel 1999 // Copyright notice in Copyright.txt // An applet that sends an email address // via a CGI GET, using Java 1.02. import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class NameSender2 extends Applet { final String CGIProgram = "Listmgr2.exe"; Button send = new Button( "Add email address to mailing list"); TextField name = new TextField( "type your name here", 40), email = new TextField( "type your email address here", 40); String str = new String(); Label l = new Label(), l2 = new Label(); int vcount = 0; public void init() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1)); p.add(name); p.add(email); p.add(send); add("North", p); Panel labels = new Panel(); labels.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); labels.add(l); labels.add(l2); add("Center", labels); l.setText("Ready to send email address"); } public boolean action (Event evt, Object arg) { if(evt.target.equals(send)) { l2.setText(""); // Check for errors in data: if(name.getText().trim() .indexOf(' ') == -1) { l.setText( "Please give first and last name"); l2.setText(""); return true; } str = email.getText().trim(); if(str.indexOf(' ') != -1) { l.setText( "Spaces not allowed in email name"); l2.setText(""); return true; } if(str.indexOf(',') != -1) { l.setText( "Commas not allowed in email name"); return true; } if(str.indexOf('@') == -1) { l.setText("Email name must include '@'"); l2.setText(""); return true; } if(str.indexOf('@') == 0) { l.setText( "Name must preceed '@' in email name"); l2.setText(""); return true; } String end = str.substring(str.indexOf('@')); if(end.indexOf('.') == -1) { l.setText("Portion after '@' must " + "have an extension, such as '.com'"); l2.setText(""); return true; } // Build and encode the email data: String emailData = "name=" + URLEncoder.encode( name.getText().trim()) + "&email=" + URLEncoder.encode( email.getText().trim().toLowerCase()) + "&submit=Submit"; // Send the name using CGI's GET process: try { l.setText("Sending..."); URL u = new URL( getDocumentBase(), "cgi-bin/" + CGIProgram + "?" + emailData); l.setText("Sent: " + email.getText()); send.setLabel("Re-send"); l2.setText( "Waiting for reply " + ++vcount); DataInputStream server = new DataInputStream(u.openStream()); String line; while((line = server.readLine()) != null) l2.setText(line); } catch(MalformedURLException e) { l.setText("Bad URl"); } catch(IOException e) { l.setText("IO Exception"); } } else return super.action(evt, arg); return true; } } ///:~