#include "calld.h" #include /* * Open the terminal line. */ int tty_open(char *class, char *line, enum parity parity, int modem) { int fd, baud; char devname[100]; struct termios term; /* * First open the device. */ strcpy(devname, "/dev/"); strcat(devname, line); if ((fd = open(devname, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "can't open %s: %s\n", devname, strerror(errno)); return(-1); } if (isatty(fd) == 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "%s is not a tty\n", devname); return(-1); } /* * Fetch then set modem's terminal status. */ if (tcgetattr(fd, &term) < 0) log_sys("tcgetattr error"); if (parity == NONE) term.c_cflag = CS8; else if (parity == EVEN) term.c_cflag = CS7 | PARENB; else if (parity == ODD) term.c_cflag = CS7 | PARENB | PARODD; else log_quit("unknown parity"); term.c_cflag |= CREAD | /* enable receiver */ HUPCL; /* lower modem lines on last close */ /* 1 stop bit (since CSTOPB off) */ if (modem == 0) term.c_cflag |= CLOCAL; /* ignore modem status lines */ term.c_oflag = 0; /* turn off all output processing */ term.c_iflag = IXON | IXOFF | /* Xon/Xoff flow control (default) */ IGNBRK | /* ignore breaks */ ISTRIP | /* strip input to 7 bits */ IGNPAR; /* ignore input parity errors */ term.c_lflag = 0; /* everything off in local flag: disables canonical mode, disables signal generation, disables echo */ term.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* 1 byte at a time, no timer */ term.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (strcmp(class, "38400") == 0) { baud = B38400; } else if (strcmp(class, "19200") == 0) { baud = B19200; } else if (strcmp(class, "9600") == 0) { baud = B9600; } else if (strcmp(class, "4800") == 0) { baud = B4800; } else if (strcmp(class, "2400") == 0) { baud = B2400; } else if (strcmp(class, "1800") == 0) { baud = B1800; } else if (strcmp(class, "1200") == 0) { baud = B1200; } else if (strcmp(class, "600") == 0) { baud = B600; } else if (strcmp(class, "300") == 0) { baud = B300; } else if (strcmp(class, "200") == 0) { baud = B200; } else if (strcmp(class, "150") == 0) { baud = B150; } else if (strcmp(class, "134") == 0) { baud = B134; } else if (strcmp(class, "110") == 0) { baud = B110; } else if (strcmp(class, "75") == 0) { baud = B75; } else if (strcmp(class, "50") == 0) { baud = B50; } else { sprintf(errmsg, "invalid baud rate: %s\n", class); return(-1); } cfsetispeed(&term, baud); cfsetospeed(&term, baud); if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &term) < 0) /* set attributes */ log_sys("tcsetattr error"); DEBUG("tty open"); clr_fl(fd, O_NONBLOCK); /* turn off nonblocking */ return(fd); }