/////// RemoteFactor.java /////// import java.net.URLEncoder; class RemoteFactor { public static void main(String[] args) { if ( args.length != 1 ) { JavaSystem.err.println("Usage: RemoteFactor poly"); System.exit(1); } String msg = "polynomial=" + URLEncoder.encode(args[0]); // use CgiUrl and CgiSocket both implement CgiClient // so either will work here // CgiClient cc = new CgiSocket(server, port, cgi); CgiClient cc = new CgiUrl(protocol+"://"+server+cgi); cc.postQuery(msg); TextLines ans = cc.textResponse(); cc.close(); ans.output(System.out); } static String protocol = "http"; static int port = 80; static String server = "SymbolicNet.mcs.kent.edu"; static String cgi = "/cgi-bin/icm.demo?factor+y^2-x^2"; // another cgi program to try // static String cgi = "cgi-bin/jfac?factor+y^2-x^2"; } // to run // java RemoteFactor '27*y^3-8*x^3'