
In this section we will compare the sorting algorithms covered: insertion sort, shell sort, and quicksort. There are several factors that influence the choice of a sorting algorithm:

Table 2-2: Comparison of Sorting Methods

methodstatementsaverage timeworst-case time
insertion sort 9 O(n2) O(n2)
shell sort 17 O(n1.25) O(n1.5)
quicksort 21 O(n lg n) O(n2)

Table 2-3: Sort Timings

16 39 µs 45 µs 51 µs
256 4,969 µs 1,230 µs 911 µs
4,096 1.315 sec .033 sec .020 sec
65,536 416.437 sec 1.254 sec .461 sec