The principal aims of LACONEU 2012 Summer School are to disseminate and to develop Computational Neuroscience in Latin America, gathering researchers and students with common insterests in the beautiful city of Valparaiso, in Chile.

Confirmed Speakers

LACONEU 2012 expects to foster a collaborative exchange between the attendees, researchers and students, based on fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge, and thus, to help the establishment of strong, long-term collaborations.

The proficiencies and expertise of the Faculty participants represent an unique opportunity for this research area in Latin America.

For this version of LACONEU 2012 we have selected the specific field of Neural Coding, specifically at the Retina level, taking advantage of recent developments in sophisticated multi-electrodes recording devices, spike sorting algorithms, natural images usage, statistical theories and formal models for neural coding.

The multidisciplinary study of the Neural Code uses tools based on complex biological and theoretical frameworks: neuroscience, physics, statistics, mathematics and computational approaches; bringing the understanding of how the nervous system makes sense of the envorinement.

The program includes:

  • Courses: Tutorial sessions, Demonstration, Seminars.
  • Thematic presentations: Neural Coding in the Retina and the Brain, Statistics of Natural Images, Population coding.