The principal aim of LACONEU2023: 5th Latin-American Summer School in Computational Neuroscience is to promote in Latin America the field of Computational Neuroscience through cutting edge mathematical and computational science tools and its applications in Biomedical Research and Clinical Application. The multidisciplinary study of brain function using neuroscience, mathematics and computational approaches helps to a better understanding of brain functionalities under normal or pathological states, as well as, to enhance important advances in education, theoretical frameworks, brain imaging, and biomedical therapies
In this Summer School we expect to generate a participative and interactive environment where the exchange between students and researchers, based on fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in computational neuroscience, will foster regional internationalization establishing a strong and long-lasting collaborations between Latin America and more developed countries. The excellence of the Faculty team willing to participate in this Summer School is a unique opportunity that will help to boost this research area in our countries.
The organization of LACONEU2023 will have a focus towards Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: how ML and AI are helping to understand the function of the brain in health and disease, but also how the knowledge in neuroscience has helped the development of new innovative ML and AI advancements.
In LACONEU2023 we expect to contribute in the development of the great potential, not always well exploited, that Latin America has in the field of numerical sciences: (e.g.) physics, engineering and mathematics, together with cutting edge tools in biomedicine. Along LACONEU2023 we will encourage and motivate young graduate students and researchers to initiate interdisciplinary work on biomedicine and bioengineering problems. We will also encourage the creation of regional and international networks of collaborations reflected in, for instance, joint research and thesis.
Student activities: We expect the participation of very motivated students that will spend most of their time attending LACONEU2023, therefore we have prepared a rich program of activities.
- Practical training and Projects: Almost 30 hours (from a total of 66) are dedicated to hands-on training, either tutored or as free student’s work. During the afternoon/evenings of LACONEU 2023, the students will work on a research project. Highly qualified tutors on neural modeling will help students and several speakers will offer hands-on tutorials. By the end of the third week, students will be invited to present a research report and an oral defense of their projects, which will be evaluated by faculties.
- Morning Lectures: Students will participate in lectures given by distinguished national and international faculty on the topics of the School.
- Evening lectures: Speakers will offer seminars to showcase how the techniques they teach are translated into scientific results. This is open to all audiences.
- Tutorials: to learn hands-on cutting edge techniques in modeling and analysis.