In Seminario II the students were challenged to make a web page that displays a Twitter search. The “#chi” or “#worldcup” hash-tag search is performed and the results dynamically displayed.

Dominique Naser solution, using jQuery, can be found here (gracias Dominique).

First a simple form to input the search.

    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>Buscador de Hashtags</title>
    <form action="busca.php" method="post">
                <input name="busqueda" type="text" size="50" style="text-align:left" />
                <input name="" type="submit" size="10" value="Busca!" /><br>

The Html file where the search and the results display is performed.




    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

    <title>Buscador de Hashtags</title>

	        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


	const MAX_RESULTS= 20;

function twitter_search() {

	var url = '';

	// Iterating over the different search columns

	$('.twitter_search').each(function() {

		var container = $(this);

		// Search terms are specified in the 'title' attribute

		var search = container.attr('title');

		if (search) {

			var since_id = 0;

			if (container.children().length) {

				// Retrieve results since this id

				since_id = container.children(':first').attr('id').replace('#', '%23');


			// Request the results

			$.getJSON(url, {'q': search, 'since_id': since_id}, function(data) {

				// Processing those results, if any

				if (data.results.length) {

					for (i in data.results.reverse()) {

						var r = data.results[i];

						// Creating the result container

						var div = $('<div id="#' + + '"></div>');

						// Don't show this element now


						// Adding some styles through .twitter_result


						// Adding user's image

						div.append('<img src="' + r.profile_image_url + '" alt="' + r.from_user + '" />');

						// Adding username

						div.append('<a href="' + r.from_user + '">' + r.from_user + '</a>');

						// Adding tweet

						div.append('<span>' + r.text + '</span>');

						// Adding corners


						// Adding this result to the main container


						// Effect




				// Removing old tweets

				if (container.children().length > MAX_RESULTS) {

					// Negative index

					to_remove = MAX_RESULTS - container.children().length

					container.children().slice(to_remove).each(function() {









$(document).ready(function() {

	// Initial search 


	// Refresh the results every 5 seconds

	setInterval("twitter_search();", 5000);







		<div class="twitter_search" title="<?php echo $_POST["busqueda"]; ?>"></div>	



Diego Acevedo, used a jQuery plugin Juitter (gracias Diego). You can found his solution here

Both solutions by pass the cross-domain restriction imposed by the browser.