Matías Zañartu, Ph.D.
Professor – Department of Electronic Engineering
Principal Investigator – Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Lab Director – Voice Production Laboratory
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Fellow, Acoustical Society of America
Fulbright Fellow, IEEE Senior Member
Associate Editor, JASA Express Letters and IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering (former)
Co-founder – Lanek
ResearcherID: I-3133-2012
Scopus Author ID: 15838299100
ORC ID: 0000-0001-5581-4392
PubMed : link – Google Scholar: link
I have been always attracted by areas of knowledge that intersect more than one traditional discipline. My interests are centered on the development of digital signal processing, system modeling, and biomedical engineering tools that involve speech, audio, and acoustics. My recent research efforts have revolved around developing quantitative models that describe nonlinear effects in human speech production, and applying these physiological descriptions for the development of communication and clinical technologies. I have a BS degree in Acoustical Engineering, and MS and PhD degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Av. España 1680, Of. B.402. Valparaiso, Chile, 2390123.
Bari 699, Valparaiso, Chile, 2390123.
Phone: +56 32 2652604
Email: matias DOT zanartu AT usm DOT cl
- May-24: Prof. Zañartu is elected Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (link), being the first Chilean to hold this membership grade. Link
- Dec-23: Dr. Zañartu is promoted to Full Professor at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María for his achievements in research, innovation, teaching, and service.
- Dec-23: Dr. Zañartu receives the outstanding engineer of the year award by the AIE-IEEE Chile for his contributions to advancing research and innovation in Chile. Link
- Nov-23: Dr. Zañartu is invited to the podcast “Ciencia de Datos en Salud” with Dr. Jocelyn Dunstan, from PUC Chile. Link
- Aug-23: Congrats to Jhosmary Cuadros for successfully completing her PhD! More information about her work on linking EEG and DIVA/LaDIVA here
- Jun-23: We had another wonderful AC3E technical meeting. See video below!
- April-23: The NIH P50 grant was renewed for another 5 years! Yay! – link
- Feb-23: Prof. Zañartu introduces the latest advances of the Advanced Voice Monitor (AVM) – link
- Nov-22: Great meeting with the Nonlinear dynamics group in Paraná, Argentina – link
- Nov-22: VPLab participates at the online Voice Knowledge workshop 2022 from the Vocology Center in Colombia – link
- Oct-22: Prof. Zañartu is featured on national TV (Canal 24 horas) discussing the research that is done in cognitive robotics, brain dynamics, and hardware design at AC3E
- Oct-22: Prof. Zañartu participates at the Science and Music Festival FEIC and gives a talk at the museum of natural history of Valparaiso – link
- Sept-22: Congrats to Christian Castro on his paper on the Lombard effect at JSLHR. Link
- Aug-22: Nice video of the new AC3E building our new lab spaces. Bravo! Link
- March-22: Dr. Zañartu, Dr. Araya, engineer Francisco Frez, and musician René Verón participated in the creation of a musical piece based on Artificial Intelligence. See video below and audio in Spotify here.
- March-22: The paper on the effects of protectives measures against COVID19 on voice production was accepted in JASA. Congrats, Jon Deng!
- Jan-22: Dr. Zañartu is featured on Chilean National TV for the new iCub Robot that arrived to AC3E for our research in cognitive robotics. See press release here.
- Jan-22: Dr. Zañartu participates at Congreso Futuro, the largest scientific event in Chile, to talk about the future of AI in Chile link
- Dic-21: Our Alzamendi et al. on the TBCM and Cortés et al. paper on Kalman IBIF were accepted. Congrats, Gabriel and JP! link
- Sept-21: Our first Frontiers in Physiology paper is out. Congrats, Emiro! link
- July-21: Prof. Zañartu is featured on Chilean National TV for the development of medical technology in Chile.
- May-21: Prof. Zañartu gives an invited talk at the “Music & Science” event from the Chilean Ministry of Science hosted by Chilean Singer Francisca Valenzuela
- April-21: Prof. Zañartu gives an invited talk at the XXI BME Seminar at Universidad de Valparaiso
- April-21: Prof. Zañartu gives an invited talk for the Phonetics course at UAH introducing voice production, voice assessment and voice research.
- Jan-21: Our paper on the laser-calibrated endoscope is finally out!
- Dic-20: Luis Mora’s paper was accepted at IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. Congrats, Dr. Mora!
- Nov-20: Watch Dr. Zañartu’s interview at the USM interview series: Voces con Ciencia
- Oct-20: We were awarded a Startup Ciencia grant! – link
- Oct-20: Eduardo’s paper was accepted at IEEE TNSRE!
- Oct-20: Dr. Zañartu’s talk at the Science Week at UTFSM: link
- Aug-20: The paper with an updated framework for Vocal Hyperfunction was accepted in AJSLP.
- Jul-20: Prof Zañartu gives a talk in PAVA symposium- link
- Jun-20: The paper on glottal aerodynamics estimated from neck-surface vibration was accepted in JSLHR. Congrats, Víctor!
- May-20: The paper on subject-specific modeling with clinical data was accepted in JASA. Congrats, Gabriel!
- Feb-20: Lin et al paper at IEEE JSTSP accepted for publication. Link
- Jan-20: Our papers on contact pressure were accepted at the Special issue “Computational Methods and Engineering Solutions to Voice” from Applied Sciences-Basel. link
- Dec-19: Prof. Zañartu gives a talk at Universidad Austral in Valdivia, Chile link
- Nov-19: VPLab participates with numerous posters at the AC3E technical meeting link
- Aug-19: Prof. Zañartu receives on behalf of AC3E an award for the contributions of the center in electromobility link
- Aug-19: VPLab actively participates with numerous posters in the joint AC3E-CINV meeting link1 – link2
- Aug-19: Prof. Zañartu is invited to give a talk on laryngeal high speed videoendoscopy in a ENT course link
- Aug-19: Prof. Zañartu was featured on National TV (C13) describing the technology for estimating contact pressure in the vocal folds link
- Aug-19: Prof. Zañartu gives a talk at the “International Forum: Music, Science and New Technologies”, at PUCV, Valparaiso. link
- Jul-19: Prof. Zañartu recieves award from CORFO “Emprendimiento Ingeniería 2030” for best innovation LUN – link
- Jun-19: Hertz contact paper accepted at MDPI’s special issue “Computational Methods and Engineering Solutions to Voice” link
- Jun-19: Juan Pablo Cortés received the best poster award at the 48th Annual Voice Foundation Symposium… Congrats JP! – pic – link
- May-19: Prof. Zañartu invited to give a keynote talk at Universidad de Concepcion
- April-19: Prof. Zañartu and Dr. Prado give talks at the IHear symposium in Buenos Aires.
- March-19: Prof. Zañartu is invited to serve as Associate Editor of IEEE in Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering link1– link2
- March-19: Prof. Zañartu becomes the new Director of the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, AC3E. See press realease here.
- March-19: Prof. Zañartu was interviewed for a news article on the risks of wireless headphones at the National newspapers El Mercurio (link)
- March-19: Our IEEE on muscle noise removal was accepted. Congrats, Juan!
- March-19: Our IEEE on fluctuation in muscle activation was accepted. Congrats, Rodrigo!
- Jan-19: Our averaging EEG paper is out, Congrats, Pavel! (link)
- Dic-18: Prof. Zañartu recieves award from the Chilean Industrial Association for Electrical and Electronics Industry (AIE) for best innovation of the year link
- Dic-18: Our ambulatory IBIF paper is out. Congrats, JP! (link)
- June-18: Our brand new AC3E buidlingisunderconstruction! (link, pics).
- March-18: ihear symposium takes places at USM (link)
- March-18: Profs Erath, Mehta, and Peterson visit UTFSM for the P50 project
- Nov-17: Prof. Zañartu was promoted to Associate Professor. Yay!
- Nov-17: The new NIH P50 website is up! Check it out: link
- Aug-17: Nice article on voice issues in singers in The Guardian! link
- Aug-17: In his column at the Mercurio de Valparaiso, the President of CONICYT features Dr. Zañartu link1– link2
- May-17: CONICYT-FONDEQUIP website features an interview with Prof. Zañartu (link)
- Apr-17: Dr. Zañartu gives a talk on the “World Voice Day” event at Universidad de Valparaiso
- Apr-17: Electronic newspaper “El Mostrador” features comprehensiveinterviewwithProf. Zañartu (link)
- Apr-17: Newspaper “El Mercurio de Valparaiso” released an article about our role in the NIH P50 grant (link)
- Mar-17: National news coverage regarding the NIH P50 project!! (LUN & Segunda)
- Mar-17: It’s official: Our NIH P50 proposal was funded!! (link1 & link2)
- Mar-17: Prof. Zañartu gives a talk at Universidad Austral, Valdivia, Chile (link)
- Feb-17: Prof. Zañartu visits Purdue University to foster research and exchange opportunities with USM (link)
- Apr-16: Our biomedical systems group at AC3E was featured in a science TV show on National TV (TVN) link
- Dic-16: The viscous contact paper was accepted to Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology (link). Bravo, Sean Peterson!
- Nov-16: Prof. Zañartu gives the invited talk “Modeling the etiology and pathophysiology of vocal hyperfunction: Physical mechanisms” at Boston University.
- Oct-16: Our lab was featured in National Newspaper Diario La Tercera link
- Sept-16: USM was ranked by Times Higher Education as the best Chilean University and the third in Latin America link1 – link2
- Sept-16: Our research was featured on National TV (C13C) link1 – link2
- Aug-16: Our VPLab (link) is in the local news link
- Jul-16: News release at ingenium on our recent efforts in voice research here
- Apr-16: The JASA paper on time-varying Bayesian estimation of vocal fold models was accepted for publication (April,2016). Congratulations, Gabriel!
- Apr-16: Prof. Zañartu is on the national news (TVN) introducing the AC3E research group (video)
ZAÑARTU ONLINE from Departamento de Electrónica USM on Vimeo.
- Apr-16: Our AC3E center and our VPLab was featured in the newspaper “El Mercurio” link
- Apr-16: Dr. Zañartu gives a talk on the “World Voice Day” event at Universidad de Valparaiso link
- Mar-16: Our EE PhDprogramreceived the outstanding AUIP award among Ibero-American Universities, and it is the first graduate program in Chile to receive this honor link1 link2
- Mar-16: The 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics was a great success! See papers and pictures here.
- Mar-16: The ICVPB conference is on the local news (link1 and link2) and in the newspaper Mercurio de Valparaiso, March 2016 (link)
- Mar-16: Prof. Sean Peterson (University of Waterloo, Canada, link) starts his Sabbatical at USM with Prof. Zañartu
- Feb-16: The 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics (ICVPB 2016) is around the corner (March 14 – 17, 2016). More than 130 participants from all over the world are already registered! See press release here.
- Jan-16: Our Department was ranked #1 in the country by QS world ranking (link)
- Jan-16: Plos ONE paper with Doug Cook is out! link
- Dic-15: Prof. Zañartu gives a talk at the Fonk museum in Viña del Mar, December 112015. link
- Nov-15: Prof. Zañartu is interviewed by the LUN newspaper on the effects of auditory feedback on voice production link
- Oct-15: The deadline for abstract submission for ICVPB 2016 is on Friday, Oct 162015 (link)
- Sept-15: Prof. Zañartu participates in a large grant application with MGH, BU, MIT, and USM to create a center for vocal hyperfunction, via the NIH P50 program (link)
- Aug-15: ICVPB is in the USM news link
- Aug-15: ICVPB conference website is available now! link
- Aug-15: Our laryngeal HSV system and lab was featured in the USM news (link)
- July-15: Former MS student, Andrés Llicomoves to BU to work with Cara Stepp. Congrats!
- May-15: PhDstudentVictor Espinoza, spends a summer at the MGH voice center working on his dissertation.
- May-15: Prof. Zañartu joins the FONDECYT Study Group in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (known as Engineering 2) from CONICYT
- July-15: Our Llico et al. JASA EL paper is out! pdf
- July-15: The new book on HSV with our chapter on simultaneous airflow recording is now available on Amazon. Normal and Abnormal Vocal Folds Kinematics: High-Speed DigitalPhonoscopy(HSDP), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) & Narrow Band Imaging (NBI®), Volume I: Technology (Volume 1). Nice!
- Jun-15: Prof. Zañartu gives keynotetalkatAQL2015 – Link
- Jan-15: OurLlicoet al. JASA EL paperonreal-timeestimationof aerodynamic features for ambulatory voice biofeedback was accepted!
- Jan-15: Experts from MIT, MGH, BU, Waterloo, Clarkson, USM, and UV meet in Puerto Varas in the context of an MIT-USM grant link
- Jan-15: PhD student Gabriel Galindo spends three months at the University of Waterloo working with Prof. Sean Peterson on Bayesian parameter estimation for vocal fold models.
- UCL Ear institue visits USM for workshop on cochlear implant research link
- VPLab visits MIT and Harvard/MGH link
- The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering has started! link
- Our STICAMSUD group meeting took place in Valparaiso on August 6-7. Visitors included Jorge Lucero, Xavier Pelorson, Denisse Sciamarella, and Guillermo Artana. See group picture here.
- Andrés Llico, MS, (research assistant in our lab) received an award for outstandingacademicrecord. Congrats, Andrés! link
- Our Ghassemi et al. paper was a featured article for June IEEE TBME monthly highlights. (link)
- Check out this cool animation illustrating our Ghassemi et al. paper (link – pdf) for the IEEE TBME monthly highlights website. Many thanks to Daryush Mehta for this awesome figure!
- Our Ghassemi et al. paper (link – pdf)wasselectedasfeatured article for June IEEE TBME monthly highlights. Nice!
- MIT-UTFSM meeting is on the local news link
- The laryngeal high-speed video projects isonthelocalnewslink
- Our grant application for the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) center was awarded! link
- Ghassemi et al. IEEE TBME on machine learning to detect vocal hyperfunction paper accepted!
- Our MIT-UTFSM grant application on measures of ambulatory voice quality and dysphonia was awarded!
- Our FONDEQUIP grant application to purchase a high-end laryngeal high-speed video was awarded! link
- Our joint work with Prof. Hillman on ambulatory voice monitoring is featured in NIH Medline Plus link
- Doctoral students Espinoza and Galindo presented their research at the Sticamsud voice meeting in Buenos Aires. link
- The voice monitoring project is on the USM news: link
- MS student Andrés Llicodiscusses his research in an interview for the USM radio: audio
- Profs. Peterson and Erath visit USM. More info about their talks here.
- My 10-minute Interview in Tecnociencia Canal 13C is out! (link)
- Tecnociencia visited our lab. Official news and video to be posted soon. (pic)
- Zañartu et. al 2013 IEEE TASLP on Subglottal IBIF accepted for publication (March-14-2013)
- Two Zañartu et. al and one Erath et. alpapersacceptedfortheICA 2013 (March-12-2013)
- Erath et al. review paper of lumped mass models is now available (link)
- Sommer et al. JASA EL paper on glottal area discontinuities was accepted for publication (Jan-22-2013) pdf
- Article on the talks from Prof. Guttag (MIT), Prof. Hillman (Harvard-MIT/MGH), and Dr. Mehta (Harvard/MGH), Jan 2013. (link)
- Workshop on ambulatory monitoring of vocal function with Prof. Guttag (MIT), Prof. Hillman (Harvard-MIT/MGH), and Dr. Mehta (Harvard/MGH), Jan 2013. (pic)
- Prof. Guttag (MIT), Prof. Hillman (Harvard-MIT/MGH), and Dr. Mehta (Harvard/MGH) will give a seminar on Clinical Voice Analysis at UTFSM on Jan-10-2013 (link)
- Prof. Ingo Titze visited our lab at USM, Oct 2013. (link)
- Dr. Zañartu presented the IBIF algorithm at the first Ibero-American Voice Conference in Santiago (link)
- Students Llicoand Díaz presented their work at the JCIB 2012 in Viña del Mar (link)
- Sommer et al. paper published (link – pdf)
- Mehta et al. IEEE TBME paper on voice health monitor accepted for publication!
- USM ranked #1 in Electrical and Computer Engineering in South America by Microsoft Academic. (link)
- Dr. Zañartu presented the IBIF algorithm at the ICVPB in July (link)
- Dr. Erath presented our new acoustic model at the ASME-BED 2012, in Puerto Rico in June
- Sommer et al. JASA EL paper accepted! Soon to appear…
- Mehta et al. Interspeech 2012 paper accepted!
- MIT-Chileprojecttakes off! FirstvisittoBoston was in May (link)
- MIT-ChleSeedfund awarded! (link)
- Our invited paper in the ASA meeting in San Diego is in the news (link)